How's this sounding?

Lowend from kick is really too much here on KRK RP8, and with the subwoofer on it is unbearable.
Everything else sounds solid.

So I could do one of two things.

Turn the low end down on the kick, or throw it through a multiband compressor.

I'll try both.
Actually I looked at my kick drum chain, and realized I had put maxxbass on it.. Must've forgotten to disable that. :u-huh:

maxxbass on slate kicks (or toms, for that matter) should beyond any shred of doubt never happen... slates are bass heavy as it is, most of us are rolling off a little bit of lows and in some cases scooping some low-mids depending on the speed.
maxxbass on slate kicks (or toms, for that matter) should beyond any shred of doubt never happen... slates are bass heavy as it is, most of us are rolling off a little bit of lows and in some cases scooping some low-mids depending on the speed.

Yeah it worked quite well for another project that was slower and much less double bass. I scoop the low mids on the kick very often as well.
that saturation/distortion on the vocals freaks the fuck out of me :lol:
Also some clipping audible at the beginning after the intro...
Vocals quite loud at some spots
quite smashed overall, but I guess it works for that kind of band...
cowbell is awesome :D
that saturation/distortion on the vocals freaks the fuck out of me :lol:
Also some clipping audible at the beginning after the intro...
Vocals quite loud at some spots
quite smashed overall, but I guess it works for that kind of band...
cowbell is awesome :D

What do you mean it freaks you out?