Not Unlike the Waves


Not Unlike The Potato I right?! :kickass:
Doomcifer said:
looks like an ant.;re a godamn faggot. You bash all these peeps about there fucking views and you;re afraid of a fucking bug?! GTFO BITCH!

Hey dude fuck you and your angry mood swings! Ever since you came back from those mountains, you changed man! You Changed!!!! You're not Mr. Sensitive Doomcifer anymore. What's gotten in to you man!!! Have some fucking compassion and get a hold of yourself!

I'll gladly squish it, but I don't know if the fucker is still here! That's what frightens me.
Reign in Acai said:
Hey dude fuck you and your angry mood swings! Ever since you came back from those mountains, you changed man! You Changed!!!! You're not Mr. Sensitive Doomcifer anymore. What's gotten in to you man!!! Have some fucking compassion and get a hold of yourself!

I'll gladly squish it, but I don't know if the fucker is still here! That's what frightens me.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You should have squished it in the first place rather than throw your fucking pants out the godamn door. What ever happened to grabbing a paper towel and picking the fucker up and throwing it somehwere, or were you afraid of staining your designer pants with potato bug juice?
No I totally agree. Hindsight is 20/20. I just didn't expect to pick up my pantaloons and have that wretched specimen staring me square in the eye. I did a full inspection of the quarters. The coast may be clear. They've eaten these fucks on fear factor before, so I don't think their poisonous.

Thank God nobody was around with a camcorder. I did come off as quite the fairy.

"Oh fuck what the hell , help! help!"
Potato bugs are fucking RAD. Them things can get god damn huge and they just sorta waddle around like a Cootie. Also most of them are named Fred.

Anyhow, no way in fuck I'm listening this until I have the actual album in my cold dead hands, which will most definitely be on the release date. :kickass:
that thing is hella nasty, what is commonly called a potato bug here on the east side is nothing more than a fun little creature



west coast potato bug totally kicks it's ass