notes i found while packing


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
from a bus trip to NYC a couple of years ago, which I think I posted about here. I was listening to a couple of sixteen-year-olds who met on the bus talking. the guy was a total idiot and the girl was kind of eating it up.


(as we're going over a bridge)

Guy: It's cool how in history a lot of important things happened on bridges.

Girl: Oh...

(very long pause)

Girl: what?

Guy: Uh, well, I'm thinking....hello? Hang on, cell phone....okay, finished...just...well...I used to be real shallow until like a year ago. So.


Guy: What language did you take?

Girl: Took Latin.

Guy: I wouldn't want to take's a dead language.

Girl: Well, uh, it's the basis of so many languages!

Guy: Yeah...English...Spanish...Russian...


Guy: American music sucks. It's just...not there.

Girl: Totally.
this is also the trip, I think, which featured a loud, obnoxious nineteen-year-old idiot about six rows up who kept shouting about how he was Albanian, motherfucker, et cetera.
I was taking Le Grezhound to NYC once and this german exchange student was prattling on in the row ahead of me about how excited she was to finally see you New York. 3 or so hours into the trip, we were on 95S and she starts gasping and oohing and aahing and "Man you see all the pictures but then when you see it in person it's just so amazing!!!!" and I look up and we are driving past Coop City.
Look kids, Jean!

Yeah I'm totally left coast, but no longer shallow like I was until like a year ago.