"Nothing is more metal than Don Paulos"-D&C

Everyone lives by someone somewhere. I was closer when I lived in Oklahoma now in New Mexico Im fucked, noone likes metal at all down here. I see the same metal cds sit on the racks every time I go to record stores. Its usually shit I already have but nobody else ever buys anything. Ive got one dude to like SoilWork and thats it. Hes never even heard of Nevermore. This state sucks.
FretsAflame said:
<<<< Green Shirt DUDE

hope that answers your question

oh, and it was raining.

Yeah, I kind of regret acting so retarded - too many pictures of me looking like an asshat were taken... also - my hair was shitty that night :( lol
retarded is teh win! and your hair is feathery blonde! remember? :tickled:
you were saying earlier that I cant speak and well, Scapegoat is spelled with a C . Im not being a smart ass just thought Id help for future reference. Also or is a conjunction so theres no period after scapegoat. Just insult me and well call it even.

jk, steve. you're my skapegoat. or whatever the fuck that word is.[/QUOTE]
he put the period there in order to illustrate a pause. we dont use proper grammer and punctuation round these parts. we just type like we talk. sukka!