Supernatural/unexplainable or nothing?

NoLordy believes in Metaphysics, being ESP, Psychics, ghosts, Deja Vu, all that crazy shit. Except, he says deities have nothing to do with it.
Insteaaad, [Matix cut] He uses the Quantum Theory to justify it all.
what i wanna know is where the hell does Deja Vu come from!?!....EH!?....i'm prone to that...its freaky....kinda scary

I can explain some of that too, i have my theories. But not in this thread. This is Tee's soapbox, not mine :) Start a new thread about it, and i might chip in.
True. LOL

Start a new soapbox, it's what most of the started threads become in the end. Agree. :)

Waiting for Neverlady.... Mercy me, come ooon! :zzz:
I'll learn only two other languages, Latin, and Old Norse.

Latin is dead, I know, but it ISNT!
Science uses it!

And it makes the dullest word seem mystic!

Eye. Boring. In Latin? Oculus. Kickass!
Fire? Blehh. Infernum? That's a REAL word!!!
pauper = poor,
terra = earth,
homo = sexual, oh, sorry, a man, :]
lupus = wolf
homo homini lupus = that's what we all learn, pessimists know that by birth, optimists learn it the hard way. LOL
in vino veritas = get your friend/partner drunk to hear what he/she thinks of you really. hehe

et cetera...

enti gisentit ward ther engil Gabriel... (something from the Mittelhochdeutsch). Enjoy.... Crazy shit....