Nottingham Gig Setlist & Pictures!


New Metal Member
Mar 16, 2003
Peterborough UK
Helloooooooooo fellow opethial disciples. The setlist for the Nottingham gig was a follows:

+ The Leper Affinity
+ Advent
+ Deliverence
+ Godhead's Lament
+ Credence
+ A Fair Judgement
+ The Drapery Falls
+ Serenity Painted Death
+ Demon Of The Fall

I was right at the front, stage left. What an absolute brilliant night! AND I shook Mikael's & Peter's hand!!

Go here for pictures:
distortedillusion said:
diospada, you asking me a question??????????

Yea, i was asking you... your previous picture was very disturbing:err:.......but your new picture is awesome.....
ChrisEmerson said:
i was in an edge of sanity t shirt, near the middle on the front row..
Oh, that was you, hehe. :p

Setlist was:

+ The Leper Affinity
+ Advent
+ Deliverence
+ Godhead's Lament
+ The Drapery Falls
+ Credence
+ Serenity Painted Death
+ A Fair Judgement
+ Demon Of The Fall

No 'kin Harvest. :( [/gutted]
If they don't play To Bid You Farewell, I'm going to be so pissed off. :p And that's if they come here again - it was hardly full on Saturday, was it?? But if that does happen, I'll just have to go elsewhere, there's no way I'm gonna miss the Damnation tour.
nah, there seemed to be loads of people at the front, and then a massive gap, then all the boring ppl stood at the back :P i dont understand ppl who stand at the back, it just seems so boring seeing a band from that far away :/ might as well listen to a bootleg and stare at a photo.
Hehe, I started off at the back (and the side) to make sure I got a decent view of Martin L during the Deliverance outro. :p Then I moved forward. ;)
ChrisEmerson said:
i dont understand ppl who stand at the back, it just seems so boring seeing a band from that far away :/ might as well listen to a bootleg and stare at a photo.
Some of us enjoy staying near the back, having a beer, seeing the set clearly, and not being crushed by jerk fans pushing us just to get closer to the band.

NP: Moonsorrow - 'Raunioilla'