nov 3 Show! :D


Dec 3, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Hey! This show was awesome!!!! The place was so big the sound was perfect the bands were on fire!!! :headbang:

I drove 1hour1/2 just to see you guys :kickass: and it was a fucking great show! I would go to a QV show everyday :D

It Was really nice to meet you Bart! :) I bought your tablatures book as you have seen and I'll start learning Tunnel Effect right after posting :D
I was just wondering, were you experiencing some Monitoring problems?! And it seems like your wrist was hurting, is it broken or something?!

Anyway I loved the show so much I was just standing at the same place all the time while watching my favorite band playing my favorite songs! :worship:

Rock on man and keep it metal! :D
hey, thanks for coming out to the fest... it was a killer show, the crowd was LOUD!!! man I really felt like the energy during vital signs... YEAH!

I want to thank everyone who got the tab books and supported us on the last few shows and on behalf of everyone in the band, we are very greatfull to everyone that came out to see us play.
As for the story with my hand, yes I hurt my index and thumb just before the show on the bathroom door - someone was opening it while I was reaching for the door handle, my hand stopped hurting before the show but then half an hour into the set I was getting crazy cramps in my thumb and index... then I was fine for the last few songs...
As for monitoring, I gestured to the sound guy to bring up the snare and he interpreted my gesture as bringing up my guitar and so I heard nothing but my guitar in fates descent which made it difficult to play with the rest of the band - especialy during the nonlinear measures.

I'll update the site with the tabs this week.
Bass tabs will be out in a few months hopefully.
Sorry again for hurting ur fingers on that door dude :S
when i saw you were shakin ur hand on stage, i was like ''f*ck :/ :/ :/ :S''.. i felt bad..
And a pleasure meetin u guys
See you next time!!
Thanks 4 all ;)

hehe, yes, it was Exutus bathroom door hand massacre
Awww that sux so much!! Exutus I feel very sad for you :( but shit happens eh?! Anyway you rocked pretty hard on stage Bart even with some "broken" fingers haha! I hope you'll come soon and stay away from Exutus this time!:heh:

As for the tabs book I learned some parts of Dead Man Diary and In Contempt and I also learned the first 2 mins of Tunnel Effect! Man this tab book is so nice! Thanks Bart for this awesome book! I really like the glossy type of paper you used for this it's neat! Did you sell many of them? just curious...
hey, fingers wern't broken, no harm done, sometimes things do not go as planned and you just deal with them ;)
Thanks for the comments on the book, - I just added them to the website.
Dead man's diary intro is one of my favorite spots on the album, then it must be Break the Cycle middle section...
I hope you enjoy playing the songs!
I'll update the site with the tabs this week.
Bass tabs will be out in a few months hopefully.

As everybody said, that show was amazing !!! We droved 5h30 hours (D#%m trafic on HWY 40) to get there and i'll do it again any time. I bought a Tab Book for one of my friend and i look forward to get the Bass Tabs Book for myself.

Hope that you'll be at MetalFest 2008. I also heard that Stephane was working on another project but i didn't catch the name of that project and/or Band. Can you Bart tell me what it is please ?

See ya soon...:headbang::headbang::headbang: