NOV DOOM to play accoustically!

Official Bootleg CD of the performance, sold exclusively through the band. Very limited, and autographed. Numbered would be nice too. Jasonic gets #1 of course, because he needs to keep the status of possessing an amazing ND collection... :)
If I remember correctly this was considered. However, if it were to be done they would probably be lumped in the Opeth clone catergory as unfair as it would be. So it would definitely be a calculated risk.

Ya, I could see how some musical ingrates would lump this in. But, ND has the talent and creativity to do this. I say, fuck all the naysayers, and find a way to get this done. There will always be those who will classify bands unfairly. Isn't this about the musician creating what they want, and fuck the labels and the fans if they don't like it? Isn't that really what creativity is all about, the artist conveying and creating their particular vision?:notworthy
Guys guys, PLEASE PLEASE reconsider to record the video of this and include it on the DVD! If nothing else it would be another selling point for the DVD, but for real, that sounds like something very special and it would be great to have it on something that you could keep forever for posterity or whatever. I would love to hear your acoustic set, not just one song of it, and I don't live anywhere near Belgium, so the only way I could witness that IF YOU DON'T INCLUDE IT ON THE DVD, is to try to find an illegal bootleg.... But in all seriousness, I have better luck of finding the bootleg of Kelly Carpenter singing for Adagio in Japan.... which I haven't found yet and have slim hopes of finding....

I guess what I'm trying to say is, people will want to see this and they won't be able to, and it will suck... I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. :) But then again, I'll probably be happy with just seeing you guys on DVD period. If you guys include behind the scenes, or like studio footage, running around drunk footage, interviews and stuff like that, it would be awesome. I'm not trying to tell you how to make your DVD as I'm sure you guys know what you're doing, but I think that would be cool. :) Heck, you might already have that stuff made as far as I know. I'll stop talking now, but yes please include the acoustic video, pleaaase... even just HandyCam footage would make me happy as long as the sound was good. :p
I think we've got the video set up for the acoustic gig, as I've got two people with pro quality cameras coming. We need to figure out an easy way to record audio cleanly, and this may be a possibility. This is Chris's realm. No promises, but at the very lest, we'll have SOME clips to show you, if not the full set.
As Paul said, we're working on capturing the video/audio of the acoustic gig, so no worries there. And as for the behind the scenes stuff and rare, vintage footage, etc., for the DVD, we're working on stuff there as well, so I think (or at least hope) you guys will be pleased and surprised with the final product :)
That will be a great show.

Still, even if ND did do an all accoustic show, people still have no way they can legitimately say they are a clone of Opeth. Opeth just made an album with cleaner guitar and more of a rock and roll sound with clean vocals; they didn't take their heavy songs and mellow them down or anything like that. Nor was it all accoustic.
Honestly, I couldn't care less what "people" say. We'll do what we want, when we want, and as long as we're happy with the outcome, that's all that matters to me. If the fans accept it, even better! If some fanooks in journalism have issue, they can BLOW ME. :)
It's unavoidable that people will cry "Opeth" regarding this whole acoustic thing, but what can we do? I'm not going to limit myself, or limit ourselves, just because another band has done something similar or because narrow minded people think it's something similar. Look bottom line here......I like Opeth alot, they're really cool guys and they're incredibly talented, and I give them much credit. But they didn't invent the acoustic guitar, they didn't invent 6/8 time signatures, they didn't invent the idea of mixing guttural vocals with clean vocals, and so forth. If people are so dense or short-sighted as to think that anyone else who utilises these things in their music means they're being "Opeth clones" then, as Paul said, those people can fucking blow me. We've had acoustic songs and mixed mellow stuff with heavy stuff since all the way back on the first cd, which was written and recorded in 1994! Doing an all acoustic show, or cd, is something we've discussed doing for years now, way before bands like Opeth and Anathema became well known for doing stuff like that. We've technically got enough mellow material from our six albums to now do an entire show of it if we wanted to. Yknow the naysayers can talk all the shit they want, because ultimately those people are just looking for more shit they can sling, that's what they get off on I guess, and we'll likely never please them anyhow. As long as our fans and friends enjoy what they see and hear, then that's really all that matters.
This is why I went off so hard on Will for screaming "Black Rose Immortal" during the Powerfest set this year. I know Will was just goofing and trying to be funny or whatever.

Anyone who has heard recent material of ND and thinks that it sounds anything like OPETH must be tone-deaf.

It's an easy and simple comparison to make, though a false one.

Sure, both bands encompass some of the same core elements.

Anyhow, I am going to end here before going off on this, as this topic has been beaten to death already... :)