Novembre Live 30-11-2007 Alpheus


Hollow Earth
Nov 11, 2007
Excuse for my english in primis...

Yeah...I've just wake up...

I don't have words...(voice letterally...eheh) speak about the yesterday's night concert...


Tracklist was perfect for have fun...eheheh...then not so much of The Blue (don't know why...)(Anaemia, TriesteItaliana and Bluecracy)...and a lot of Classica!! (Yess!) :-P

Greetings to all the fan that was there...especially 'the' some that gave me a very special and happy time...(First lines pogo!!!)...


Some photos of the Night...



-Some of Us with Massimiliano...(Nice Pupils...)

I have many other with the band (...but I don't have courage for post them...ahah)...and also a video...(that probably will upload in youtube...20 second of Nostalgiaplatz during Carmelo's Solo..)

Is there here any fan who was there yesterday?? :-D

Bye bye!!!!!!!!
Great pics. The show must've been awesome! congrats on the pics with mass. Nice to see Carmelo getting back to his UV777 guitar!

The Show was AWESOME!! ;-]
Yeah, Universe Rulez... :-D my Psy-Coma...eheheh

Nightmist said:
Thanks for sharing the pics! according to the first impressions i've read it has been a great night, too bad i wasn't there

Dovevi venire dalla Sardegna!! :-D
Nelle prime file, nel pogo, ho potuto parlare con due napoletani e altrettanti siciliani...eheheh
...comunque è stato davvero BELLISSIMO!! ;-]
Yeah, I've been told they played a lot of material from 'Classica' :)
... and I was sure they would've surely played those 3 songs from the new album you've mentioned instead of all the other ones :heh:
I would've liked to be there sooo much :waah: and can't wait to read some live reports soon or watchin' some clips.
Roscio pls, post the clip with Carmelo's solo during 'Nostalgiaplatz', tks!
Dovevi venire dalla Sardegna!! :-D
Nelle prime file, nel pogo, ho potuto parlare con due napoletani e altrettanti siciliani...eheheh
...comunque è stato davvero BELLISSIMO!! ;-]

Fosse per me... sono senza soldi e non avevo nessun compagno di viaggio, cmq la prossima volta mi organizzo meglio, devo riuscire a vederli dal vivo prima o poi!
it's very sad, they are (a half) sicilian and they had never played here at all!
so, come and return to origin!!!!

well it's probably been a great concert, classica is my favourite one!!!
Carmelo's wearing his unfailing black sweater :heh:
Roscio, your clip is too short.
The one with AQUAMARINE/NOTHIJNGRAD that I've just watched, is very nice instead, though I don't understand why this crazy idea of making half of a song, mixed with another, especially when it's 2 beautiful songs such as 'Aquamarine' - that's an anthem :kickass: - and 'Nothijngrad' - which is one of my fave songs from 'Materia'.
They do it often, even with songs from 'Novembrine Waltz and I don't like it all. Just play the whole songs, it shouldn't be that difficult...
yeah i think it's just weird, Acquamarine and Nothijngrad are maybe the vest songs from materia, why can't they play them completely? O.o i think they did the same with come pierrot and another song from Novembrine Waltz too, it would have been a good question for the interview, that's a pity it has been sent already:p
The wrong thing obviously is that if the band mixes a couple of songs, doesn't perform 'em for their whole lenght and I think this is a pity, bcs songs like the above-mentioned ones, 'Aquamarine' and 'Nothijngrad' especially in my opinion, but even 'Come Pierrot' and 'Child of the twilight' need to be performed separately. I don't go to attend gigs to hear beautiful songs like those horribly mixed and shortened. I don't really like medleys or things like that at all :bah: My opinion, anyway.
The wrong thing obviously is that if the band mixes a couple of songs, doesn't perform 'em for their whole lenght and I think this is a pity, bcs songs like the above-mentioned ones, 'Aquamarine' and 'Nothijngrad' especially in my opinion, but even 'Come Pierrot' and 'Child of the twilight' need to be performed separately. I don't go to attend gigs to hear beautiful songs like those horribly mixed and shortened. I don't really like medleys or things like that at all :bah: My opinion, anyway.
I think it's done just for playing more songs...

Ok that isn't a GREAT thing, but 'Horribly Mixed and Shortened' it's too 'large'...

My opinion, anyway.