Now Drinking Thread

now drinking because i'm going home tomorrow...
all hail patto and the boy moss...bestest horrible somgs since dont leave me now.
go-ed lads


*kicks band*
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Shit. I should've joined you. Couldn't get any sleep last night so that might've helped me.

yeah helps a lot..i slept like a baby. :p
next time you feel unsleepy, just join we can drink 'till oblivion! :grin:
sure, welcome :grin: i stock up with beer for two
Oi, eos! You have to get rid of that Lapin kulta piss and buy some proper fin-beer, even import it if you have to :grin: Tho some say they all taste the same, there IS a difference, god damn it! :mad: :p

Jeez, stone, you were up late again. I guess you're the one not gettin any sleep, eh. I wanna be unemployed too!!! :mad:


Originally posted by speakinstone
sure, welcome :grin: i stock up with beer for two

Be careful what you say, girl. With enough beer I just might never leave :lol:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Oi, eos! You have to get rid of that Lapin kulta piss and buy some proper fin-beer, even import it if you have to :grin: Tho some say they all taste the same, there IS a difference, god damn it! :mad: :p

I was trying to get some Karhu and try thatone!! :yell: :yell: But in the fucking Switzerland they simply don't seem t know it!! :mad: There's only one hope left.. Today I heard about a new beer shop here in Bern. As soon as I find some time I'll go and take a look :grin: