Now how about this?


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
This is what one could never live from Nevermore, although you see in one's eyes: "Oh, shit, will you give me a break finally?"*sauersmile* :D

I copied this from the My Dying Bride mailing list.

At 12:06 2002-10-04, Paulo Filipe wrote:
>Here in Portugal, in a Paradise Lost concert, Nick Holmes himself in
>the middle of the concert, told a fan he should cut their hair and grow
>That shows how much he despises their older fans, but also shows how
>he is by criticizing someone by their appearance.

Is the guy too touchy or was he banging his head against the floor, crawling on his knees on the stage... or something else that inspired such comment? Ugly comment, but don't think it came for nothing. :err:
Yes, actually, not a way to treat a fan, except if he punched you, which probably wasn't the case. However, very ugly...
sorry to say, you have slavic eyes as well.....

Exactly, "MY" dog ugly, as I really am not a glamour babe, not by far. You offended me now... I was always so touchy when it came to my looks... :cry: Hehe...
Would want to know what your eyes look like. Do you even know about your family tree? Who had to serve the lifetime in OZ? Uriah Heep? :)
... It was always kinda interesting that you are so "mean"... Hmm, are you frustrated or frustrated? Like to be or to be, when you are born already...
You know, I actually sorta like mags, but Tee, keep in mind, he thinks Linkin Park is quality metal. His tastes are so fucked up and inconsistent across the board in regard to everything. You're very, VERY pretty and the slavic look he refers to is endearing.
OH, HE DOES FEEL LIKE THAT ABOUT LINKIN PARK? That's worth sheding a tear even... :cry:
Thanks, though I'm not touchy, esp. not when it comes to my looks, as I judge people after some other criteria, but, nice of you... ;)
(As for the slavic looks, I don't even look like I do in the pic, hehe. This is surely not slavic looks! LOL My hair is naturally very bright, eyes blue-grey, veery bright and eyebrows and eyeslashes bright. That's a real slavic face. Not this. Hoho...)
Some persons still don't give much credit to women beyond their apperance, not that I'm naming names. And I was thinking Gothic Slav, or maybe that was just projectionism on my part. And yeah, he hales Linkin Park as innovative. He says he doesn't do drugs, but given that *and his opinion on your appearance* maybe he should START using 'em.
"And I was thinking Gothic Slav, or maybe that was just projectionism on my part."

I really wouldn't know about that. Hmm, gothic Slav... Doesn't tell me anything.
My looks prove to be projectionism. I transformed into something else. Now I look real Slav like, again, this picture was taken last year in April. The gothic part is true, in general, part of my transformation tendency. "Let's play hide and seek."
damn you Tee.. chainsaws dont mean you have a I AM GAY sign stamped on your forehead :p
and if Linkin Park is quality metal, why does it sound like crap? and why do the dudes in the band wear stupid clothing and have STUPID pop hairdos...... wtf they even had a song where they played along with hiphoppers.....
i rest my point
Thanks, ledmag. Tho judging of looks (to like or not to like) is a matter of taste after all. ;)
As for your comment on the age there: I get 5 years less than I have, always, from everybody. That's not a problem, but the fact that I feel old like Papa Smurf... LOL "Being" old is a state of mind.........