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Lamb Of God - Pathetic
Pantera Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills Lyrics

I fucked your girlfriend last night.
While you snored and drooled, I fucked your love.
She called me Daddy. And I called her baby when I
Smacked her ass. I called her sugar when I ate
Her alive till daylight. And I slept with her all
Over me, from forehead to ribcage I dripper her ass.
Sometimes I thought you might be spying, living out some
Brash fantasy, but no. You were knocked out. But we were
All knocked out you know. In a way

I serve too many masters.

We didn't know you'd break the bottle that the magic
Came in to use those jagged shards to slit our wrists
And neck. And you'd do it too, you're that kind of dude.
But you wouldn't know what you were doing because
I didn't, your girlfriend could have been a burn
Victim, an amputee, a dead body. But god damn I wanted
To fuck.

I'm serving too many fucking masters.
[I told you. I told you motherfucker]

Screamchain - Feeding the Flame

I'm bored, don't wanna go to sleep, though i really should. Constant mood changes. I've gotta create a system to trigger me into a positive mood when i need to. I've noticed somethings, that do exactly that, but it also works the other way around sometimes by accident. I tore a pack of cards today, was on a really bad mood and tried to do something useful, so i tried to practice a card flourish and kept fucking up... Totally lost my nerve, which never happens to me... Went to sleep for a couple hours, which i couldn't, but it calmed me down. When i woke up, i was feeling better. I wrote a letter, which made me feel a bit better still. Went to practice some drums and lifted weights, felt good. She called me up at around 10 pm, i was just about to fall asleep, thinking about her. We agreed to go for a walk on the weekend =) Couldn't sleep after that, i'll try again in a moment. Maybe this helps also to get to a better mood. Though i know it's very necessary for me to miss her now, so that next time when i have someone important, i won't forget for a single second to appreciate and give all i have. Though i can't imagine myself with anyone ever now, though thoughts like that change in a nano-seconds. Maybe i'll become a zen-metal-monk.