Now Playing (The Infamous Topic Returns)

Twilight- Cadacross

I like this a lot.

The new Nightwish is getting a lot of plays and I love Ensiferum- Iron which I'm listening to and loving. I'm having to ration my ensiferum intake at the moment.
Me again!

Np: Old Angel Midnight- Headswim.

Now I 've got a bit of a quandary. For absolutely ages I've been trying to find their albums . By some weird stroke of bad luck I managed to lose both of them and I want them back badly so if anyone knows where I can find them I would be eternally grateful.
Yes, I know it's weird but frankly I'm desperate.
Hmm have you tried the various Amazons? I checked (the american version of amazon) and saw one of the albums available on the marketplace (it's like ebay). I suppose Ebay itself would be another choice? Actually i just did a quick check there and it turned up plenty of results. Beyond that, you probably could find it on a p2p or torrent site.

Limewax - Demolished (oh that crazy drum & bass music ;] )