Now playing thread

Originally posted by anarkisti
:headbang: Moonsorrow-Kylän Päässä

OH YEAH! You are fucking right man! I just discovered this band last weekend but they kick ass! Kylän Päässä is my favourite song of them. Everybody here MUST listen to this song by Moonsorrow!
Originally posted by Northern Viking

All I know is that it's "la troisième fois" and not "trousième"

But you can tell us what these "légoins noirs" are all about :)

You are right, typo :rolleyes:
les légiones noires is a group of 4 bands who were active beginning-mid ninetees in France. They played raw and misantrophic black metal. All releases were limited and very hard to find these days. Mutiilation is the only one that is still active. Vlad tepes still seems to rehearse but only a few of their closest friends get the rehearsel tapes=> impossble to find. The other two bands, Belketre & Torgeist seem to have dissapaired, some say they all commited suicide...rumours?
What a story... :rolleyes:

No I didn't mean I don't like them, I just don't know... Some of their melodies are great, but they are really "cheep" on some level... It's boring music in some way, and great music in some other...:err:
That's what I wanted to express :p
My first real metal band "Cannibal Corpse" they are pretty good if your into extreme death metal....... lyrics are fuckin sick but hey..... its only music ahhahahaha
The demo starts with a prair in a church in France. A door opens and you hear footsteps on the floor. They stop and you hear a weird sound which appears to be a reload of a gun. Next you hear the sound of machineguns and pistols and everyone scream.

I think they don't like christians, but on the otherhand, neither do I.
Originally posted by humus666
The demo starts with a prair in a church in France. A door opens and you hear footsteps on the floor. They stop and you hear a weird sound which appears to be a reload of a gun. Next you hear the sound of machineguns and pistols and everyone scream.

Sounds cool.