Don't read this!

John Carvajal said:
Good point !!!
great we are not talking about the War like in some mailinglists :yuk:
sometimes i think am reading 5 year old posts :ill:
come on guys let be serious, lets talk about KATATONIA in a mature way, and by the way in the Opeth forum are great threads :cool:, people talking alot of the latest albums... :hotjump:

but well... :Smug:
here are good threads, the LFDGD vs. Viva E. is really great, take a look to other great bands on the forum, what a waste D.B. and hard drive space for the ultimatemetal guys :tickled:
TheFourthHorseman said:
And if you're (don't mean exactly YOU) here to get attention instead of discussing music then what the fuck are you doing here anyway? You might as well go to an MTV board.

i`m (don`t exactly mean I) here because i like katatonia (correction, love katatonia) and because the nice people are still around, at least most of them.

and john is right, we`d rather talk about katatonia itself as a band, and not about the damn war. and i think that particular thread was 'death comes when you don't epect it'.
diospada said:
i realized that the quality of posts in the opeth forum has gone down since the popularity of the band grew.........

More kids ??? :tickled:

here in my country, they are not to well-known, actually which one is?? :loco:
but their albums are more expensive compared with others :erk:

and about taking internet more seriously?? well, also here is a bit expensive, then I connect like 1:30 h per day and I want to see great things, but yeah not always have to be to seriously :ill: