Now playing thread

Well, I got 9 CDs today, since Sunday is a special day!

The Crown - Crowned in Terror
Symphony X - V
Edguy - Vain Glory Opera
Grave Digger - Tunes of War
Vintersorg - Cosmic Genesis (SIGNED!!)
Kataklysm - Epic: The Poetry of War
Sonata Arctica - Silence
Stratovarius - Intermission
Sentenced - Crimson
That one's cult as @#%$ man... really...

I know, going to bed is not Heavy Metal, but I'll do so anyway.
good night everybody
Children of Bodom angry are rising
Running amok, slaying with a sense of desire
From the twilight of the past, among the victims who died

Something Wild has surviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiived! Uargh!