Now playing thread

Bal Sagoth - The Dark Liege of Chaos is unleashed at the Ensorcelled Shrine of A'Zura Kai (The Splendour of a Thousand Swords gleaming beneath the Blazon of the Hyperborean Empire Part II)
Originally posted by Torgoth
That isn't very exact, heh. Maybe someone knows better map?



good night people...
Hey Torgoth... I got my ear chewed off the last hour... that "Soon-no-more-friendship" shit was meant to be funny...
I guess someone was unnerved :rolleyes:
We'll see how that turns out... How much I hate it... argh :mad:

I'm crashing here, got only 3h of sleep :erk:
But as the same things as ever are on my mind, I dont expect to get a bit more tonight :rolleyes:

^^ Well, I wont forget the messages man ;)
