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God what a boring thread...

I hate nu-metal bullshit and poser bands.
I hate people who hate Trivium because they are popular.
(hate thread was deleted, gotta vent somewhere)

Now Playing: Rage-Cradle to the Stage.
I hate Trivium because they make music that is crappy in every way humanly possible.. is that better?

Katatonia - For my demons
I hate Trivium because they make music that is crappy in every way humanly possible.. is that better?

Katatonia - For my demons

hooooooooo you're hilarious. No that isn't better. You hate them because... They don't make music as technical as some bands you like yet make more money... Or you don't like them because they play with bands much more successful than they are to promote themselves... Or because you just won't ever be good enough at anything to be as successful as them?

All I can say is they try. They change their sound dramatically over every album and do everything they can to win over fans, but old stubborn pissants like you never give them the time of day because they weren't a band in the eighties. GET OVER IT. Just because you're old and gross doesn't mean metal is going to be.

Now playing: Suidakra-Caledonia.