Clash of the Titans - which 4 bands would you pick?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
There was some talk about a new Clash of the Titans tour -- indeed, a forum was even created here on UM before it vanished in the night -- but whether this becomes a reality is neither here nor there for the purposes of this thread.

The year is 2005. You pick 4 thrash bands:

- headliner
- headliner
- support
- support

The headliners switch final slot every other night.

The thrash bands must exist today, so no fantasy rosters please.
The only way would be to commemorate a special Sacred Reich reunion, which would in turn make the other 3 bands go back to playing their old shit:


Although I would never want anyone to follow Slayer....there isn't a band on this planet that can follow Slayer. Once "Raining Blood" is over, so is the show.
Pantera was better when I saw Slayer open for them. It was really weird, but Slayer had an uncharacteristic off-night, so it made sense.
I saw Voivod support was like watching a rock n' roll band, especially with Newsted prancing around playing all those technical bass lines. *cough*

Newsted: "Hmmm, what's the rhythm guitarist doing? I'll just copy but stick to one string..."

The only 5 string bass player to use 1 string.

Cue all comments about how great Newsted was with Flotsam & Jetsam...yeah, yeah.
I said the same thing for years, fawkin YEARS about Newstead, but I have to respect that dude now. Even his lines on the Black Album were pretty good, but SURPRISE SURPRISE, are buried in the mix. I only see how good they are when I stumble across transcriptions.
One Inch Man said:
Even his lines on the Black Album were pretty good, but SURPRISE SURPRISE, are buried in the mix. I only see how good they are when I stumble across transcriptions.
Like what?? Don't tell me "The God that Failed" or "My Friend of Misery" just because he did those intros. That's hardly Cliff Burton quality.

I do accept that Hetfield & co. may have held him back. I actually think his bass lines on Load were an improvement....well, he used a fretless bass on "Until it Sleeps" so I suppose that says something. :loco:

The man from Flotsam & Jetsam got lazy - that's all. :Spin:
No I'm not going to cite the intro bits, don't you think I judge a bassist on a bit more than that? :loco: He uses lots of octaves and small fills that in a proper environment (as in proper mixing) would stand out quite a bit. But of course, they aren't exactly heard.

Are they Burton quality? Well no, but not much is. Except some Dave Ellefson lines of course. :kickass:

EDIT: I know I didn't give a specific riff or song, I need to research which ones I liked first, probably via instead of the actual album. :Spin:
One Inch Man said:
No I'm not going to cite the intro bits, don't you think I judge a bassist on a bit more than that?
Not really. :loco:

Actually, out of interest, give me a prime example of:

Newsted with Metallica
Burton with Metallica
Ellefson with Megadeth

Perhaps just one piece that sticks out for you, as a bassist.
Sad But True (octave riffs, big and boomy OR RATHER WOULD BE BUT AREN'T HEARD)

Jump in da FIYAH!!!
(I love it, complements the guitar riff so well)

Anything from Rust in Peace
The solos on Five Magics and Take No Prisoners, the all out thud attack of Hangar 18, the wicked climbing counterpoint lines he uses in about half the songs, and just the tone oh my fuck the toooooooone sounds like a fucking hammer on steel, so wonderous.... aahcchahahhaha

I need a smoke now. :Smokedev:
Side note: In one guitar world recently, there was a quote from Marty Friedman referencing his solo on "Tornado of Souls" and that when he completed it in the studio, Mustaine walked in, didn't say a word and just shook his hand in approval.