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Hmm, ya know, I've never heard any of your stuff. You should make something and put it on teh intarweb sometime.

I'm trying. I only have fragments of songs written but a lot of ideas. Plus the band I'm is such that I havent been able to influence the other members at all. They like less extreme metal than I. Plus I don't have anything except an 78 track to record with. Is there a site or something that I can use?
I'm trying. I only have fragments of songs written but a lot of ideas. Plus the band I'm is such that I havent been able to influence the other members at all. They like less extreme metal than I. Plus I don't have anything except an 78 track to record with. Is there a site or something that I can use?
You probably have a computer with a sound card, don't you? If you don't have a good sound card, just get an external card of sorts or something that has multiple inputs, then record with that. If you don't want to spend a ton of money, record with Audacity, although it's not as good as the others. Obviously you'll need drum mics and etc., but I'm not too good when it comes to recording drums. I do know how to record everything else, though.

Enslaved - Midgards Eldar
Liege of Might - The Sunrise Cloaked Supine the Crescent Moon of the almighty Infadel

(This is a song I'm writing)