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you get great questions at a music store. Such as:

"what's the name of that one song?"

"have you ever heard of metallica?"

"do you have the pedal that sounds like CHUG CHUG CHUGH CHUGH WUGGA?"

"do you mind if we have band practice in here?"

and my two favorites:

"do you guys sell cowboy hats?"

"do you guys sell luggage?"
you get great questions at a music store. Such as:

"what's the name of that one song?"

"have you ever heard of metallica?"

"do you have the pedal that sounds like CHUG CHUG CHUGH CHUGH WUGGA?"

"do you mind if we have band practice in here?"

and my two favorites:

"do you guys sell cowboy hats?"

"do you guys sell luggage?"

:lol: biggest one we get is "do you guys sell sheet-music?" funny part about that, is theres about 10 yellow signs, including a massive 2m x 1m with black writing hanging from the roof, that say "SHEET MUSIC DOWNSTAIRS!!!"

NP: Liquid Tension Experiment- Paradigm Shift
lol we had similar ones. They'd walk up to the counter and ask if we sold sheet music or where to find it....despite the fact that if they turned about 10 degrees to their right they would be looking at a wall stacked with it
:lol: biggest one we get is "do you guys sell sheet-music?" funny part about that, is theres about 10 yellow signs, including a massive 2m x 1m with black writing hanging from the roof, that say "SHEET MUSIC DOWNSTAIRS!!!"

I work in a Barnes & Noble, and it doesn't matter what the FULL SIGN says, it only matters what part of the sign the morons are looking for.

We had a sign on a desk that said: "CUSTOMER SERVICE ONLY - REGISTERS DOWNSTAIRS" and people would look, pause, and then walk up to the desk and ask "Is this where I pay?"

The reason? Of the entire sign, the only word that their Oprah-riddled-angry-housewife-with-a-rich-fat-husband brain actually reads is: "REGISTERS".

NP - Armored Saint: Hanging Judge