I'm glad to see you're taking it well.ShadowOfFire said:How cool is that, that they actually played music he could R.I.P. to.
froosch said:I'm glad to see you're taking it well.
Ethereal - Fear of the Dark (Maiden cover)
Had to make sure it didn't suck firstGadlor said:You guys scammed it off of Soulseek already? Blehhhh..I'm trying my hardest not to pre-download anything, just because it's fun popping in the CD and listening to it straight through.I fell in love with "Train of Thought" because of that, and I don't think I would've liked it so much if I had just heard it as single songs, spaced out over time. Besides...anticipation makes it better :O
K.F_V said:Send to to me preeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
No I've heard that one, and it indeed fucking rulesneal said:cradle of filth does a cover of Hallowed be thy Name that fucking rules. perhaps thats what you're thinking about FV?
NP: KMFDM - Flesh