Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Children Of Bodom - Children of Decadence

They played this at my friends funeral. How cool is that, that they actually played music he could R.I.P. to.
Bal-Sagoth - Naked Steel


ShadowOfFire said:
How cool is that, that they actually played music he could R.I.P. to.
I'm glad to see you're taking it well. o_O

Ethereal - Fear of the Dark (Maiden cover)

I don't even know how this song made it to my computer, but it kicks ass so I don't really care.

And F_V, the new In Flames is so much better than I thought it was gonna be. I still miss the old style, but I'm not gonna complain while it's like this either. I'm anticipating good things for the next Soilwork too.
You guys scammed it off of Soulseek already? Blehhhh..I'm trying my hardest not to pre-download anything, just because it's fun popping in the CD and listening to it straight through. :loco: I fell in love with "Train of Thought" because of that, and I don't think I would've liked it so much if I had just heard it as single songs, spaced out over time. Besides...anticipation makes it better :O

Skyfire - Blinded By Euphoria
froosch said:
I'm glad to see you're taking it well. o_O

Ethereal - Fear of the Dark (Maiden cover)
:eek: I got a like...20 second clip of that from WinMX a some long time ago and I loved it but I never got the whole thing! Send to to me preeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :worship:

NP: In Flames - Superhero of the Computer Rage
Gadlor said:
You guys scammed it off of Soulseek already? Blehhhh..I'm trying my hardest not to pre-download anything, just because it's fun popping in the CD and listening to it straight through. :loco: I fell in love with "Train of Thought" because of that, and I don't think I would've liked it so much if I had just heard it as single songs, spaced out over time. Besides...anticipation makes it better :O
Had to make sure it didn't suck first :D But it worked for Mind Revolution.

F_V said:
Send to to me preeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

[Edit] BTW, is anyone familiar with that cover of Fear of the Dark with the bagpipe solo? I've got an mp3 of it labeled as Cradle of Filth but it really doesn't sounds like them, unless maybe Dani got sick or something.

(As of edit, NP: Cradle of Filth? - Fear of the Dark)
I always hear about the CoF - Fear of the Dark cover but I have never actually heard it. My friend swears a friend of his has a video of them playing it, but I'm not beliving it til i see it.

On a related note, anyone know about Disturbed playing a Maiden cover on their last tour. My nu-metal friend who went to their last tour sais they played a Maiden song but he doesnt know what.

Ethereal - Fear of the Dark (tis ok...)
neal said:
cradle of filth does a cover of Hallowed be thy Name that fucking rules. perhaps thats what you're thinking about FV?

NP: KMFDM - Flesh
No I've heard that one, and it indeed fucking rules :kickass:

But I hear about the Fear of the Dark cover, I think its just a mislabled song.