Now Reading...

Haven't posted in a while...

Two back:


Just finished:


It was okay. I'm not really in a burning mood to continue the series right now, but I might revisit it later.

A few chapters into:


Enjoying it so far.
Loaded up Stephen King's "Revival" on my Kindle for the trip over. It's a little slow about 25% in, but expect that it will pick up soon.
Forgive the shameless plug. My debut novel is now available. Terror, nerves, excitement! Not the book, that's me.

Catching up with some of the things I've been reading.


In full disclosure, Brad is a distant cousin of mine, tho I've never met him.


This was a freebie. (The sequel is part of a bundle on StoryBundle) Personally, I thought it was ok, but making the wife of the love interest of the main character being a raging harpy was a bit much. There also was much confusion about what was going on, and some things were never properly explained.


A psychic mystery that heavily involves Mussorgsky's "Pictures At An Exhibition". And yes, Emerson, Lake and Palmer. So far it has been a real ripping yarn.
Finally broke down and got progressive lenses and reading glasses, so I am re-reading my hardback collection of Harry Potter books. Haven't been able to read an actual book for the last year or two!

Also reading Hal Elrod's "The Miracle Morning" on my Kindle - it was highly recommended by the guy who owns the gym where I work out. I am soooooo NOT a morning person, though, so this might be a complete exercise in futility.
I am intrigued by the write up and reviews. Do you make more if I buy it from Amazon or Google?

I don't think it matters. I'm a newbie, still learning the ropes. But as far as I know they try to price it the same across the board and I get the same percentage. Though, reviews on Amazon are a huge help in gaining more exposure.

Hope you enjoy it, if you grab one. So far I've been blown away by the response. I was terrified, lol. I know I'll get some brutal reviews eventually, but so far, so good, so what.
how the heck do you post photos on here? I did the image http address, but always puts up a link and not the photo like you guys do? I'm stupid, okay?!
Also reading Hal Elrod's "The Miracle Morning" on my Kindle - it was highly recommended by the guy who owns the gym where I work out.

I have the opposite problem. If you see a book for day people to stay awake at night, let us know! :lol:

how the heck do you post photos on here? I did the image http address, but always puts up a link and not the photo like you guys do? I'm stupid, okay?!

at the end of the URL.

Catching up with some of the things I've been reading.


How did you like the book? I may read that one if it's any good.