Tigron of Immanion
The why is easy - Rock City. You can travel over a lot of the country and see the same mysterious signs (or at least you used to) - SEE ROCK CITY. It's painted on barn roofs, on billboards, on nicknacks sold in gas stations...and obviously the closer you get to Tennessee there are more of them. I remember as a kid going on trips all the time from Florida or South Carolina to Kentucky and seeing it everywhere and always wondering what it was...which is kind of the point. Stuff like that, the "tourist trap" occured to Gaiman as this distinctly American thing close to a kind of American Stonehenge, I guess...and Rock City is the mother of all tourist traps. There are interviews where he talks about fact, I sort of remember there being info. on it in the back of the paperback maybe? Great book at any rate.
Wow, I had no idea Gaiman was that familiar with Rock City! Now I'm regretting -- a little -- taking Storm Constantine to see Ruby Falls instead of Rock City, which we'd ruled out because it was a hot summer day...and a cool underground cave like Ruby Falls would be better for goths all dressed in black.

That was the same weekend Neil Gaiman had invited a bunch of folks, including us -- to see an advance showing of Neverwhere in his Dragon*Con hotel suite. We shoulda asked him for tourism tips. Who knew?