Now that St. Anger is out


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I don't know if anybody has commented on this yet, but hear it goes...

I'm first Metallica record was Ride The Lightning....I bought Master of Puppets the day it came out...yada yada. I then proceeded to pretty much dislike Metallica from the Black album on. I will say though, that I have swallowed my pride....because....St. Anger is brilliant.

Feel free to start casting barbs at this post now....but I can't get it out of my CD player, and think that every song is good, heavy as fuck...etc.

Metallica might still be a bunch of corporate whores, but the new album is a very real, organic, fantastic thing. Don't miss out because of what you think you know about them, I almost did.

Metallica is back, like it or not.
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I'm afraid I feel the same way. As much as I hate that snare drum, no solos, and shitty guitars, I can't stop listening to it. I'm 28 and in the same boat as you with their career. Maybe it's wishful thinking? I don't know. I will say this though, the dvd version sounds a hell of a lot better than the cd. Maybe because the drums and guitars "almost" sound like Metallica. Maybe it's Rob. Hehehehe. I really don't care what people think, it's my opinion and Opeth still rulz!

ElectricWiz said:
I don't know if anybody has commented on this yet, but hear it goes...

I'm first Metallica record was Ride The Lightning....I bought Master of Puppets the day it came out...yada yada. I then proceeded to pretty much dislike Metallica from the Black album on. I will say though, that I have swallowed my pride....because....St. Anger is brilliant.

Feel free to start casting barbs at this post now....but I can't get it out of my CD player, and think that every song is good, heavy as fuck...etc.

Metallica might still be a bunch of corporate whores, but the new album is a very real, organic, fantastic thing. Don't miss out because of what you think you know about them, I almost did.

Metallica is back, like it or not.
i'll give it another chance, but i heard st anger the other day and laughed. when a mate gets it i will see...
I listened to the cd like once, but been giving the dvd some time in the computer as it sounds a lot better than the album. But I'm not sure about the songs yet, they dont bring out any special emotions for me. Right now they are just 'meh'.. But we'll see what happends :)
Me too! I actually think that it's the tighest produced, closest to Metallica sounding song on the album. Not saying it rulz or anything, just a better produced song.

Risedfromthedead said:
I just hated the St Anger video on MTV, after about four listens... its pretty good!
Well..I'm 32..and like you I have everything up to and including the black album. I love it all! (The Black album not so much, but it has it's moments anyway) I wanted St Anger to be a killer cd...but I hate it. The production is horrific, James' voice is just plain sub par (he even sings completely off key on this album...and that's like fingers on a chalkboard to me!) I think it'd be 20 times better if Jason was still there backing him up with his killer growly vocals. I remember when I saw the Black album tour Jason practically carried James...even to the point of singing entire songs! After hearing the piss poor production..I doubt Bob Rock will ever work again in this industry...

Anyway...I tried....I really did! really!
well, I'll tell ya, these are all pretty good, open-minded thanks for various input here. As to the "sound" of the me it comes across as a retro cross between The Garage E.P., and, say, Motorhead. I know it's "lo-fi", but of course it was done that way on purpose.......
Anyway, it's a shame all the shows won't be like the Fillmore stuff, which I did not see....though I do live in the Bay Area. Fair enough, their street cred is dead, but I stand by my post on the's great!
quick reply: St. Anger, awfull CD, horrid production, terrible drum production..To Nu Metallish..Metallica don't thrash nor grind and are no longer metal..
I saw Metallica on the AJFA tour, MOP tour, GNR tour, back then they were thrash, now pffft..
I'm 33 btw and you grow out of Metallica and start listining to real metal like Vital Remains Dechristinize or Necrophagist..
It's all of you noobies on the board who are posting threads on Metallica when the threads should be posted at as they have a BB THERE..
Other than the Fillmore shows (good set list) Metallica are touring with horrid Nu Metal bands and are playing the corperate rock card..(Limp Dizcut, Stikin Park, Mudvayne? Those bands are crap for teenagers..
Metallica blows, would you like me to ellaborate? End of Rant..
St Anger is fucking terrible...

Lame stop-start nu-metal guitars, horrid nu-metal background vocals (PUSH IT OUT!!! PUSH IT OUT!!! RWOARRR!!!!) and the worst drums I have ever heard.
I just don't like it . Today there are too many good bands for me to appreciate a record like St.Anger
deathbearer said:
Other than the Fillmore shows (good set list) Metallica are touring with horrid Nu Metal bands and are playing the corperate rock card..(Limp Dizcut, Stikin Park, Mudvayne? Those bands are crap for teenagers..
Metallica blows, would you like me to ellaborate? End of Rant..

How on earth can people say things like LIMP DIZCUT STIKIN PARK and think that they're any more mature than the people that listen to them? That's just as moronic as the way the fans of those bands used to be like "N*STINK SUXXXXX." If you're going to complain about a band, you could at least avoid sinking down to moron level and changing the band name to "something insulting." My favorite one i've seen recently is "gaytallica." REALLY brilliant.
I listen to this albums already about six times, but I cannot be forced to like it for the sake of having an open mind, and I consider myself very open minded.
The drumming and James vocals is what has thrown me off the most, lets just realise that Metallica has nothing else to offer lets just cherish what they have done in the past and learn from their mistakes because this band has seriously sold out.
wankerness said:
How on earth can people say things like LIMP DIZCUT STIKIN PARK and think that they're any more mature than the people that listen to them? That's just as moronic as the way the fans of those bands used to be like "N*STINK SUXXXXX." If you're going to complain about a band, you could at least avoid sinking down to moron level and changing the band name to "something insulting." My favorite one i've seen recently is "gaytallica." REALLY brilliant.
Yes, it is brilliant to call a buch of lame nu metal pop bands exactly who they are..I take it the only reason that you are insulted is that you listen to lame pop bands like Limp dizcut, and Stikin Park religiously and you know nothing of metal..
I was a Metalllica fan when you were in diapers (or perhaps before you were born) and I saw Metallica play with tons of good thrash bands..This Summer Sanitariuim tour is just Metallica hooking up with top 40 radio bands instead of supporting the plethora of underground metal bands..
What do you excpect from Selloutica, and why are you so insulted?
Do you listen to boy bands like N Suck. Limp dizcut and Stinkin Park? I bet you do! As Mike Arkenfedlt said, "Boy bands with guitars"..
The reason why we (in the underground) make fun of these bands is because the music is nothing other than uninventive, unoriginal mall rock for teenagers..
Linkin Park and Limp bizcut are NOT even metal, so please reserve your defense of these bands for another BB as you are fairly new to this board and know nothing of metal..
You're defending some of the lamest bands on the planet.Ii bet you wouldn't have listened to Metallica back in 85, or 88 when they were a true thrash band as you problably were defneding New Kids on the Block..
You are lame..