Im Madly In Anger With You


May 26, 2010
Today i checked out the album St. Anger by Metallica. I did not enjoy any of them besides St. Anger! St. Anger is one of the best metallica songs i have ever heard. Did anyone actually enjoy the album?
St. Anger was a decent song, there were a few okay songs on the record but it sounds like ass. The snare drum is a joke, as is much of the production. Having a snare drum rattling in the background when guitars are playing and such... totally unprofessional. I do like the remix of Some Kind of Monster where they changed the sound of the snare and made it sound like a Bob Rock production.

St. Anger sounded cool when I heard it live though. Hardly their best work, but not bad.
lyrics are horrible throughout the album. "fran tick tick tick tick tick tick tock" makes be cringe everytime I hear it.
Not even bothered to check it up. I'm too old guard, Metallica died for me immediately after AJFA.
lord that album is bad. who had the idea of lars playing a pringles can instead of a snare drum
I'm one of probably 3 people who thinks it is underrated. It's not amazing, but there are a few good songs on there for sure - Dirty Window, Sweet Amber, The Unnamed Feeling, a couple others. Yes, the drum sound is not only a strange choice, but annoying. However, I think the drum sound on AJFA is a whole other kind of annoying. It won't be remembered well, but it's not the dog everyone has always said it is (to me anyway).

And yes, Metallica died when Cliff died.
I'm one of probably 3 people who thinks it is underrated. It's not amazing, but there are a few good songs on there for sure - Dirty Window, Sweet Amber, The Unnamed Feeling, a couple others.

I'm one of those 3 people too. The absence of lead solos and the weird drum sound is what kept many of these songs from being really good.
Yeah, Burton died and the band went down the cliff (terrible dark pun I know).
Call me crazy, but this is a damn good record!

Yes, the production is dreadful, but about half of the songs really kick some ass. Do yourself a favor and pick this up.

I'm not sure if this is still the case, but the original print features a DVD of the band playing the album live in a warehouse and the sound was much better than the finished product.

If you enjoy the great Death Magnetic, you need this record.
I didn't mind the production except the horrible snare and the title track actually had some ok riffs (but others that were bad). The most interesting thing about it probably was the movie that came from it, I haven't gone back to the album ever but the movie is interesting even though it does get pretty emo and lame haha.