Now this is random!


It is ours you know.
Apr 27, 2003
South Lyon, Michigan, USA
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Hey everyone. I had this project to do at school and I was suppose to pick out music to share with the whole class. (The project was entitled "Music for the fall of the house of usher") Well anyways I put the songs "Bluntness" and "Mindscape" on there. Well, anyways my 55 year old woman teacher and the class loved it! She recomended me to take a listen to Danse Macabre (The singer from Ancient Rites does the vocals), and I also put Mortiis (Pre-Smell of Rain) on there, and she said she was already a fan of Mortiis. Wow, I can't believe that my teacher is a metal head! (Well half metal head, half classical music fan)

Yeah I'm very bored and I'm also very hungry. I remembered this when I put in my Ancient Rites CD just a moment ago. Did I forget to mention the class (Well, the majority) liked Asgaroth's sound.

Ahhh I can see it now, Christopher singing his heart to 13 year old N'sync fans! O.K. that was random. Your turn to state random thoughts!
Well, It's funny you mention all this coz Oscar (from the band) set up the PAs for the annual 2 day Xmas carrol street show for the kids!!!!! Hahaha. That is, for where I work. He used the gear we use for rehearsing!!!! that's nice. Well, nice for our economy as well!!!

@theredin: I had a teacher in highschool who had one of the best music colections was amazing...He had about everything but techno and he was lending his Sepultura vynils to a friend of mine...this things are amazing, when you find somebody you would never think as a metalhead (or at least to have to knowledge about metal) and you find yourself discussing how the last IronMaiden albums suck big time :grin:

fathervic (at random)