NP- A album covered in dust

Gods Tower - The Eerie and The Turns

I don't really have much to say except these two albums are wonderful and timeless
ISIS - In The Absence of Truth

I put that shit away years ago, never really dug it. Much more into Panopticon, Oceanic, and Celestial. In fact this one bored me enough where I never bothered with Wavering Radiant, although a friend played it for me at some point. I kinda went "ehh" and was done. Anyhow put on said In the Absence of Truth the other day, on accident actually, since I was trying to find Oceanic on my mp3 disc. DISC. DISC. This started, I said hey what the hell, and quite enjoyed it! Sure it's 4th place behind those other three, but still pretty fuckin' solid.
Gods Tower - The Eerie and The Turns

I don't really have much to say except these two albums are wonderful and timeless

fuck, man

although this band has been spoken of on rc forever, i've never bothered until now

and this rules so much
Falkenbach - ...En Their Medh Riki Fara...

7.5/10, between this and Borknegar, I think I have found myself in a folk metal slump. This sub-genre isn't satiating my appetite as it once did. I'm not finding it "cheesy", which holds promise for future spins, but it certainly doesn't propel me to go grab an imaginary sword and pillage my inner thoughts.
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris

Remember when this came out in 2000? Everyone was trying to outdo one another on the level of sucking its dick. Nile was cast off as posers since they are from south carolina and LA are from the True Land of czech republic. Anyway, it's still good for a listen, but still way too long. 61 minutes of brutal tech death/grind plus 11 minutes of repeating burzumesque casio playing can get old fast
Today's dust off - Borknagar's The Olden Domain

7/10, not as good as I recall. Though I was in a pissy mood from being roused by a neighboring school function. Stupid kids dosy doe-ing, whilst shit fuck teacher blared over megaphone like Jimmy Hart. Needless to say I wasnt in the right temperament to listen to these "wimpy" vox. The Olden has grown Molden. Perhaps Ill give the S/T another glance later in the week.

Fuck children. That album rules. So does the self-titled.

Nadrick, music is so mood dependent. Hence, why albums need multiple listens to sink (unless they're total shite in which ye can discard upon first note.) I gave this a second chance the other day, as I do recall thoroughly enjoying back in the days when I had hair on my head as well as my balls. Sure enough, twas a killer adventure. :kickass:

Speaking of balls, remember growing up, grabbing your junk, and shitting bricks at your left teste shooting up the duct to hide in your abdominal wall? I always thought that was a freak occurence, or that I had little nuts. It turns out, it's rather common. For those RCers amongst us with only one "nad," it must have been twice as traumatizing.
Reading that post made my left nad do that. It was pretty bizarre the first time I noticed, I think I was pissing as a pre-teen, and my bathroom had a mirror in front of the terlit. WTF?!

Music is mood dependent, but weather focused even more for me. I don't listen to Kyuss during the winter, and black metal gets shelved for all 10 months of summer here. Actually a new trick I discovered was blasting the A/C into my face as I listened to Panzerfaust on my way home from work the other day. Worked fucking great.

i've had this on vinyl for so, so many years

but never REALLY listened

but it rules, i'll tell you that much
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Been revisiting what I once considered masterpiece albums but had stopped listening to regularly.

First up Amorphis "Tales from the Thousand Lakes"

I probably haven't listened to this in a good five or six years. After a play through, is as good if not better than when I bought it so fucking long ago. 10/10 buy or die.
Listened to the new Rwake yesterday and today. Split it in half, got a little sleepy last night, and the song that woke me up to go to bed said "it'" which was fuckin' KILLER.

Anyhow it came out a few years ago, I listened once, recognized it wasn't nearly as good as Voices of Omens, and ignored it. But I was mistaken, at least in thinking that it wasn't very good. Because it's solid as fuck. Will spin more.
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness

I've had this album since it came out, and never really enjoyed it. Very average to me, for years. But I kept waiting... and waiting... and waiting for it to click. It finally did a few weeks ago! Now I need to buy everything else of theirs that I never liked until just recently.

This has become a trend lately. I've discovered my adoration for 3 or 4 bands that I always kept in the collection, but never really got into for whatever reason. I suppose some CDs are like books, you can't force yourself to enjoy them, you have to wait until they call YOU.
R.E.M. - Automatic for the People

10 years ago I lauded this thing as a masterpiece. Last week? Boring '90s schlock. I still have fond memories of that particular time period of music. This album does not remain one of them. Well okay, Drive remains a fantastic song, but the majority of this DISC can suck it.
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Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power

I haven't really listened to Pantera much since Dimebag was killed, and even for a few years before then, I was a bit over it. Grabbed this the other day as a song popped into my head... holy shit. It's even better than it was back in 1992. This was never my favoUrite album of theirs, but god damn, it just floored me, and that was fun. It is also very entertaining to remember all the hate from metal kids this album gets, I had completely forgotten about that until I was reading up on such things via ze Metal Archives. I can't believe that a band from Texas who grew up listening to ZZ Top had the audacity to swing a little with their metal branded rock, the nerve!
brought out some albums i havent played for a while

Forefather - im not crazy about the early ones, but Fighting Man, Ours in the Kingdom, Steadfast and Last in Line are great epic metal. these have aged well

Rivendell - average summoning-esque folk metal. some songs are grand, but very inconsistent

Geasa - ive always liked this band. i still do.

Obscenity - Human Barbecue
still one of the most glorious pieces of Euro-DM, just the right balance of melody and aggression, every song a hit.

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