NP: Hammers Of Misfortune - The Locust Years

Subterranean Masquerade seems to be a band I have 100% of chance to like but the two tracks I've heard do nothing for me . Same with the band Dark Suns.

Let's hope the album proves me wrong.

I don't know HoM , time to repair this maybe ..
Ellestin said:
Yet another win to look out for...

With a new line up too. Gotta love Jamie Myers singing those female harmonies now. And the hammond organ is working a treat. One Inch Nad is going to spew his scrotum over this.

This gang would have been so much cooler without the bumbling wizard and the bleating unicorn. Tommy and his viking club always saved the day.


Ever been to a theme park where the rollercoaster ride turns into a D&D dimension? Me neither, but the cartoon ruled!
Whoa this rules.

But it will not be better than The August Engine unless they can top the best part of that one: around the 4 minute mark of The August Engine pt. 2.
JayKeeley said:
How's the hangover? :D
Excellent! I have to go help my friend and his wife and son move back in with her parents now, haha.

First thing I said when I got in the shower was "I need to go buy a lot of Gatorade and then shoot you." I wasn't sure who I was talking to, but it made me laugh.

Gonna be a good day. :loco:
Ain't nothing better for a huge hangover than a full day of manual labor, I'm exhausted and sore but feel great. Anywho...



Yeah this song rocks, it goes a lot of places and my girlfriend's ( :loco: ) vocals are ace. What's up with that weird explosion sound near the beginning though!?!?

I do hope this new one has the hypnotic elements like El Engino del Augusto.
One of John Cobbet's blogs on said:
Current mood: bored

WARNING - The following information is totally useless:

Today I found Uriah Heep's first LP w/ original gatefold cover. The liner notes are pretty awesome, plus, MICK BOX (guitar) is the most awesome brit rock name ever.

I also bought a book of Mick Rock's pics of Iggy and The Stooges' tenure in London during the "Raw Power" sessions. Maybe I should change my name to MICK: the most rock of all first names. Is there a Mick in the bible, Koran or Torah? There should be.

I also have a copy of Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music" on vinyl. I'm pretty sure that if MMM is not the ultimate punk/industrial/power electronics album ever, it's definately the first. The liner notes are precious. Lou Reed is such an asshole. (Note to black metal enthusiasts: Fenriz is the Lou Reed of Black Metal - ya think?) I understand that Lou is a martial arts enthusiast these days, and has taken quite a liking to Anthony of Anthony And The Johnsons. I didn't know that Anthony is somewhat of a Bay Area native (as read in SF Weekly article this week) hey waitaminnit, theres no MICK involved here - but wait...

Lou Reed's best album, "Transformer", was produced by David Bowie and another Mick (Ronson - guitarist for The Spiders From Mars). Bowie also produced Mott The Hoople's best album and wrote the title track ("All The Young Dudes"). At the time the guitarist for MTH was another Mick (Ralphs - who went on to form Bad Company).

I'm so bored.
EDIT: In response to NAD's post on Cobbetts blog...

WTF. :lol: The sadder part is, I actually read all that! "Fenriz is the Lou Reed of black metal" haha.

So Jamie's you're girlfriend now is she? :tickled: Notice that tattoo on her right hip? Doesn't it look a little like this:

Dev said:
Subterranean Masquerade seems to be a band I have 100% of chance to like but the two tracks I've heard do nothing for me . Same with the band Dark Suns.

Thank God that someone thinks the same thing about Dark Suns. Man, I fuckin' hated Swanlike.