Nuclear Assault Survive Re-Release

Hahaha exactly!! Well, there's a band I know that has been complaining about labels for 20 years. Now they signed a deal with the same label that fucked them numerous times. Guess what? They didn't even receive author's copies! And they have to pay retail price to get their own CDs! I had a good laugh :)

shit man talk to any band from the 80s and 90s, they all had to do that.
Hahaha!!! Glad we're on the same page here :) And well, I've been thinking of writing a book for a while, too! "Lack of brains" has to be somewhere in the title :)))

It just amazes me how many bands are out of touch. These guys jump back into the ring after x number of years not realizing that things have changed. Or they think the internet now allows them to do everything themselves, have full control, etc. Well everyday I seem to come across some band with this logic and I'm always surprised when I stumbled onto them; thinking "wow you guys should have really gotten some help with this".:yow:
Years ago I looked into a band called Cruella; who you ask, exactly. Well the one I was speaking to was ol so cocky and so excited to tell me how well known they were and how big in Japan they were. Well I just said to hell with that one because... well they were to big for me maybe. HAHA Five years later nothing has happened with that stuff.
A band from Canada called Tzar sells CDs or CDrs (I believe) of their album; well they told me they rather do things that way and maybe it does work for them to sell CDrs on CDbaby of an unknown circuit band. But I can only image how difficult it is for them to get any attention for their release; damn it is difficult enough for me and sure the same for Matt and Iordan and everyone else. Still they all think it would be better than having a label's help.
Jinx Dawson I can't understand; see sells CDrs of the three Coven releases (for way too much), will not work with a label or even a distributor, she wants to control it all herself. She could really be cashing in especially now with the occult rock trend going on (that Devil's Blood are not apart of) HAHA But she rather do things on a the DYI. Well I'm not buying a CDr for $25.00 Hell she is so oppose to bootlegs, well I have a really nice boot of the first album and no CDr is going to be better than that.
I'm staying here. What I was trying to get to was some bands especially older ones so often do things that just don't make sense, and well you just gotta let 'em go with it. It is a lot like those young bands who think they can do everything on their own and 2-3 years after their album every unit is still in their mom's basement.