Nuendo - Cubase DIY Beat Detective


New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2007
This is my first post here, so please be patient with me and any grammar mistakes. Cheers from Brasil!
First, I have never used Pro Tools, so I have no clue how it´s beat detective thing works. But, well, I believe that this title would draw the attention of those striving to use fix drums on Nuendo.
This is an attempt to improve the technique posted on, which is great, but the "snap to event" thing is really boring and time consuming, so below you have my way to speed things up.
The main purpose here was to fix drums, but I believe it can take care of other instruments that are "out of the line", since they have "good" transients.
I remember that someone has posted something related to transient detection, comparing PT to Nuendo, don't remember who, but I hope that by tweaking this code he finds a solution.
So, here it is:

- Download Auto Hot Key:

- Create a Notepad file and post the code below and save it with the ahk file extension (i.e. DIY beat detective.ahk)

#ifwinactive ahk_class NuendoFrameWindowClass
msgbox, 4 ,, Begin?
ifmsgbox yes
goto begin
ifmsgbox, no
sendraw, ,
send +n
sleep 200
send !x
sleep 200
getkeystate, state, esc
if state = d
goto end
msgbox, 4,, End?
ifmsgbox, yes
ifmsgbox, no
goto begin

- Run the script

- Double click on the track(s) you wanna base your audio quantizing on (i.e. snare drum, kick drum, both) and detect its hitpoints, adjusting the sensivity accordingly to your needs.

- Close the sample editor and group the tracks you want to process (audio quantize).

- On the main menu click on Audio - Hitpoints - Create Markers from Hitpoints.

- Now press Ctrl+Alt+Q, the script will run and split the tracks in every marker.

- When you are done press ESC, otherwise the script will keep running.


- Now that you have the tracks splited, all at the same position, press Q or click on Audio - Realtime Processing - Audio Quantizing.

- The hits are now quantized, crossfade them.

Maybe some hits will be quantized to wrong grid lines. It´s no my fault, neither yours, it´s the drummer fault!!
You will have to "manually quantize" this, hopefully, rare hits.
Notice that the script will split EVERY marker, be sure to erase the ones previously inserted.
In order to this script to work keyboard shortcuts Shift-N and Alt-X should be assigned to: "go to next marker" and "split at cursor" respectively, just like it is by default.
Well, I hope I've been understood and that this helps Nuendo/Cubase users. Feel free to tweak the code to your taste and please share any improvement.

thanks for tips)
i guess you're really often meeting bad drummers)haha
not that much...but once you begin to split you get addicted to it, (well, as any addiction it has its downsides). And well, it is always good to be prepared.
...I forgot to mention that we could begin an Auto Hot Key script sharing thread... I'm sure some good ideas would appear. This thing can automate several tasks, saving time for more important things.
Nah, you must load it into AutoHotkey.

Worked great for me btw. Thanks again.:notworthy
I tried to create some macros in the past. It never worked. Now my wrist can relax as I'm watching the script working for me. A dream came true.
Any idea how you can make this work in REAPER. I havent actually tried it but it sounds good
Any idea how you can make this work in REAPER. I havent actually tried it but it sounds good

Sorry, but I didn't know Reaper till you mention, but I believe there must be a way since Auto Hot Key can automate any number of mouse clicks or any key combinations, for as long as necessary. Tell me what you wanna do and I will see if I can help you.