Nuendo Latency problem

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Hey, is there any way to get around the latency issue with Nuendo? I've got a pretty fast PC but there's about a 1 or 2 second delay after hitting record before noise--er, music--comes out. I'm a novice with nuendo so it could be possible I'm overlooking there a way to reduce this latency?
Not sure if you're running Mac or PC, but here's my take on the PC version:

Try messing around with the DMA buffer settings either in Nuendo or the dedicated software that runs your audio card (if applicable). Smaller values can result in pops and clicks when you record and larger values typically result in more latency.

Also using the right driver in Nuendo is important. If your card has an ASIO driver, go with that one instead of the Direct Sound or whatever crappy Windows driver it might be defaulting to.

Sorry if any of that is totally obvious, I'm not sure what you have and haven't tried yet.

But wait, there's more... If you're running 2000/XP, the tweaks on this page really do wonders for system performance in general -- but if your computer isn't a dedicated DAW, pay attention 'cause you might end up turning off your printing and networking services, etc.

I just stumbled across this one today, but I haven't tried any of it out yet. If anyone finds this useful, be a sport and share with the group, eh?

edit: Oh, and if you're running a lot of tracks in playback while you're recording, try disabling the tambourine and cowbell tracks and maybe kill the Castle Donnington reverb on the drum buss to get some more system resource "overhead" back. Heh.
Try paying for Nuendo :Spin:


Seriously though, what he said. Make sure you're using ASIO drivers (what sound card are you using?) go to the VST Multitrack setting, hit control panel, and you should be able to chosse buffer sizes there. a buffer of 256 samples is passable, but a decent machine with decent card should manage to track at 3ms or so.
SessionEd said:
Try paying for Nuendo :Spin:


Bwahahahaha. You might have caught me haha. Dammit I DID pay for my 001!!! I'm just looking for a way of avoiding having to bring my PC to the studio to record (see my "monitors" thread from last week). I just can't stand recording guitar on Nuendo with that latency problem, but if I reduce the problem, then I should be set. BTW I'm using the 001 as a soundcard right now but will obviously have to buy one for the other computer...

...Anyone know if there's a way to get just the PCI slot portion of the 001 for sale somewhere? That way I can just bring the rack part of the 001 to the studio and stay with PTLE, problem solved.
...Anyone know if there's a way to get just the PCI slot portion of the 001 for sale somewhere? That way I can just bring the rack part of the 001 to the studio and stay with PTLE, problem solved.

Try making a search on eBay, I've seen parts of other soundcards being sold separately... There's always a chance someone wrecked his rack part. ;)
If you are using Nuendo 2.x or later you can find Expert settings in Device setup setting for VST Multitrack. There you can adjust offset for recording. Number you can enter is probably in smaples. And also use ASIO driver.
Help! I ended up purchasing the e-mu 0404 card, but I'm having a hell of a time getting it to work. Does anyone know of any difficulties the card would have with nuendo 2? The drivers are set up correctly, and XP says that the card is working properly. Am I missing something? It came with an intermediary mixer program and I'm wondering if that is part of the problem. Any help would be hot.