Nuendo question (group limiting).


Kimon Zeliotis
Aug 31, 2001
Athens, Greece
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Hey guys...I wonder if anyone can help me with this.
I have a whole mix of a song and what I want to do is send all tracks except the snare to a group track then apply a limiter to this track. So basically I want the whole mix compressed except the snare. After I used the limiter on the group track even though I set the threshold to -0.1db there's still clipping in the master output (with the snare muted). So I noticed that the clipping was coming from the FX tracks because they where routed to the master output. So, is there anyway to route the FX tracks to the group track? Or, if not, is there another way to do this? (apply a limiter to the whole mix except the snare).
Until now the only way I could do it was to mute the snare use the limiter on the master output and export it and then mix the compressed mix with the snare in a separate project.
Yes you could route the fx traks to the group with a problem........but I'm in Nuendo 4 and I could rout everythin......