Nwe Vanishing Point Video

So..... I can't really find this anywhere.
Is it being released locally?

JB is usually pretty good at getting stuff in. I asked the girl behind the counter and she said that it is not on order so they won't be getting it.
She didn't know how long it would take to arrive after I ordered so I didn;t.

What's the best way to get the album Chris?
I know Utopia have some as well as JB in the heart of Sydney , give them a call , otherwise you can either go to the JB online site which may have it or alternatively you can get it direct from us :)
Sorry for the fuck around Bro , seems JB's have been doing fuck all or the Veronica's impersonator behind the counter cant be A) fucked to look it up her list on the computer which SHOULD have it on there seeing it was released wednesday B) cant be fucked to ring another store C) cant be fucked to find out that the album is distributed by RIOT or D) just cant be fucked period, fucken annoying!!!!

The more I find out about its unavailability then I will contact the distributor and ask if they can kick some arses into shape.
If anyone can tell me where it is or not please let me know .
Finally got the album.
There was 1 copy left in Utopia so I had it mailed to me yesterday.
Had a few listenslast night.
It's good... Certainly a bit different than the previous albums... Not as many long songs or solo sections.
Probably hasn't really hit me instantly like TID and ETS did when I first listened to them... But maybe this is one of those albums that grows on you

I really like Hope Among the Heartless.... The solo section in that is fucking killer... almost sounds a bit egyptian or something..
Also really like Surrender, Gaia/I within I (How awesome is that intro melody?!) and Ashen Sky.... They are my early favorites.
Will listen plenty more on the weekend before I make my mind up on the rest.

It seems that most of the songs have a certain way of ending.... Usually VP songs tend to stretch out with double chorus's and Silvio freestylin over the top but there ain't as much of that on this... After the last chorus the songs just seem to end... Was this a decision to make the songs shorter and snappier or is it just me being crazy?

Can't wait till you guys do Sydney
I have it too.
Definately needs a few more listens. It took me quite some time to get into 'Embrace The Silence' which I now consider to be flawless.
Same here Sydo. I didn't think they could top Tangled and I had Embraced for a few weeks before it all sank in and in my eyes, Embraced is the best work they have done.
So yeah, maybe I wrote that post too soon... but those are my initial thoughts... This album certainly is a little different.

I'm so curious as to why they have never hired a full time keyboard player? Keys are so prominent in all the songs.
Yeah my initial impressions were similar - I liked the album, but wasn't blown away or anything - but it grows on you.. I reckon in some ways it's stronger than Embraced and Tangled.

Did you happen to get the version with the extra DVD? I think in the interview they mention that that Leonard is just too busy and can't commit to being in the band.. But would be in the band if he was keen.