NWO or Disaster Prepardness?

You americans live in a capitalist country, stop worrying about government! They're just puppets for big business anyway :p

Now china, there's a place to be scared of your government.............
I will say, it amazes me how much faith you conspiracy nuts have in our government - you really think they're capable of this kind of shit when they fuck up day-to-day operations?


Christ is anyone still taking Alex Jones seriously? Id be more willing to bet on him coming out and saying it was just a joke that got out of hand than anything he says coming true. No one would listen to that asshole if he had a squeaky voice and a beard.
and too bad the entire nation would be put under martial law, and you do not want that.

+1 The military are being trained in control of the population for when people get too pissed off with the government and martial law is declared. The attitude the military have towards the citizens that they're supposed to be protecting is not very good at all. It's scary.
You americans live in a capitalist country, stop worrying about government! They're just puppets for big business anyway :p

Now china, there's a place to be scared of your government.............

I just watched a documentary on how China violates human rights every day.

I've lived in America all my life and even been involved with politics and voiced my opinion. I never tried to stretch law. And I believe in a civil protest and not civil unrest. I know my rights and love them. Capitalism IMO is a way to keep less people rich and more people poor. Everyone calls Obama socialist, but the problem is that socialist organizations in America complain that he isn't liberal enough for them to even endorse.

+1 The military are being trained in control of the population for when people get too pissed off with the government and martial law is declared. The attitude the military have towards the citizens that they're supposed to be protecting is not very good at all. It's scary.

Think about it. Most of the people the U.S. National Guard will be protecting will be possibly neighbors, friends, and family and would think twice before taking orders to shoot to kill at a crowd.

Christ is anyone still taking Alex Jones seriously? Id be more willing to bet on him coming out and saying it was just a joke that got out of hand than anything he says coming true. No one would listen to that asshole if he had a squeaky voice and a beard.

haha really, the only video I liked from Alex Jones was "How Weed Won The West", except the NWO crap he blurted out every 20mins.
Naw, the problem is that this country was kind of founded on capitalist beliefs - I'm not going to swing my vote either way for the capitalism vs socialism bit, but I totally understand why people in this country rag on socialist-type programs and policies.

Capitalism IMO is a way to keep less people rich and more people poor.

Easy enough to say also that Capitalism is a way to allow smart people to become rich and dumb people to stay poor. Misleading blanket statements ftw!
I think SocialNumb has it!

Alex Jones doesn't know what he is talking about. He IS a fundamentalist christian. He's anti-establishment for the wrong reasons. He spends 30 seconds researching a subject that he doesn't understand, and just projects like hell into it filling his misguided values in the places he can't grasp. Take away the big bad gov't and the invisible hand (the "Free Market", lulz) will save us all. Because we all know that corporations will play nice once they have total control over social/political/economic policy as they've shown in the past, and present.

The NWO isn't real, at least not the way its being spun by guys like Jones, Alan Watt, Glen Beck, etc. These guys are creating the "results" or evidence of the so-called NWO themselves and exponentially exaggerating it. By telling people to go out and "fight back" and all that shit, yelling in public with bullhorns, massive emails, threats, telling people to bring guns to church and to politcal rallies. what the fuck do you expect to happen? it's simple projection and manifestation. these people are delusional and are a threat to themselves and to the public dispensing such fraudulent information. Yes we have problems in our government, but the ignorant ( not to be offensive, but its true ) and naive public is the real problem. Our entire system is in shambles and we think band-aids will fix it?

I'm also tired of people enshrining the founding fathers. what the fuck do a bunch of rich, thieving, slave-owning douchebags know about freedom? Thinking the constitution was handing down by the Almighty Douche himself. If the constitution was so fucking great why did it take 20 amendments to "adjust" it to make it just and true? It was made for rich, white land owners, not for the common man. its a piece of paper with all this outdated meaning attached to it.

and Obama is far from socialist. If he were a socialist we would probably be a little bit better off, rofl.
I'm also tired of people enshrining the founding fathers. what the fuck do a bunch of rich, thieving, slave-owning douchebags know about freedom? Thinking the constitution was handing down by the Almighty Douche himself. If the constitution was so fucking great why did it take 20 amendments to "adjust" it to make it just and true? It was made for rich, white land owners, not for the common man. its a piece of paper with all this outdated meaning attached to it.

And I'm tired of people enshrining the Beatles. What the fuck do a bunch of pasty, faggy haircutted druggie hippies know about pop music? Who cares that they started something great or inspired fucktons of people to do better things.

I mean, if the Beatles were so awesome, why the fuck did it take so many albums for them to write Sgt. Peppers?

Seriously dude, be real. I'm not going to say that a bunch of WASPs were the best guys to be promoting freedom, but I'm also not going to monday morning quarterback the fucking Constitution as if they had the 200 years of hindsight and extremely different social circumstances that we have now.

They obviously knew enough to get the ball rolling - if you don't like where it's gone, great - there are other countries for you to live in.

*Edit* did you seriously ask what they know about freedom? Are you forgetting the shit they went through that made them gtfo of England and start this country in the first place?
Well lets face it, he's a hell of a lot more socialist than the last guy!

not really if you call bailouts and overspending debt socialist.

Bush made a 700 bil bailout in 2009 and spent billions on the Iraq War and took no step towards cutting spending government on health care as it was.

I also got a bigger tax refund than the last 3 years.

and Obama is far from socialist. If he were a socialist we would probably be a little bit better off, rofl.

I don't think that is a relevant comparison. the beatles made music, they didn't leave another country because of monetary reasons and start a new one to get rich while continuing to oppress people because of their race/socioeconomic status. read up more of the history other than the stuff we've all read in 8th grade dead-white-guy "history" class. Our founding fathers weren't exactly the men portrayed in high school. google. Lincoln too, read his diaries. do you really think he wouldn't keep the slaves if he could and still end the war? read. rofl.
I don't think that is a relevant comparison. the beatles made music, they didn't leave another country because of monetary reasons and start a new one to get rich while continuing to oppress people because of their race/socioeconomic status. read up more of the history other than the stuff we've all read in 8th grade dead-white-guy "history" class. Our founding fathers weren't exactly the men portrayed in high school. google. Lincoln too, read his diaries. do you really think he wouldn't keep the slaves if he could and still end the war? read. rofl.

Yeah, they totally left for monetary reasons...

I know they're not the guys portrayed in books, but I've read Lincoln's diaries, Franklin's letters, and enough of Jefferson's manuscripts to know that they were pretty stand-up dudes for their time and started something so great that even your belligerent ass is still in support of. If you weren't, you wouldn't live here.
Yeah, they totally left for monetary reasons...

I know they're not the guys portrayed in books, but I've read Lincoln's diaries, Franklin's letters, and enough of Jefferson's manuscripts to know that they were pretty stand-up dudes for their time and started something so great that even your belligerent ass is still in support of. If you weren't, you wouldn't live here.

I would agree with you. But even after Lincoln issues of civil rights and women's rights were shit until about 100 years later. IMO examples like Ted Roosevelt(Republican) and FDR(Democrat) are more for what I believe in.