NWOTM-history etc.


Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina
can we kindof pinpoint when this thing started? what was the first band to put out a demo and who was the first one to get signed ?
merciless death and gama bomb seem to have been around for most of it, but was there someone earlier? who were the big bands in the begining? were there any clubs that this was all centered around?
there's a fair number coming out of brazil, as well as the states. bands like witchhaven, hammered, havok, warbringer, rattlehead, lazerus a.d., conniption,exmortus, early man is geting thrashier, hatchet, meltdown, BBB, tyrant,hexen, vector, merciless death, FBF, nihilist. and the list keeps going and going. sadly for me, it's all on the west coast and wisconsin, so i never get to see any of the shows.
I actually think that interest in thrash reared its face from either the release of Testament's @The Gathering@ (its very possible) or from the interest generated by the Thrash of the Titans benefit in 2001. Personally, i reckon its the latter.
There was also a number of bands regrouped about that time too. Testament's original line up got back together not long after that, Exodus started again seriously too. Destruction too. I think this probably didn't have as much impact as the concert(s) but I think it inspired people to listen to their old favourite bands again.
Thats my point, a majority of thrash bands reformed BECAUSE of the Thrash of the Titans benefit - Exodus, Testament (original Lineup), Heathen, Death Angel, S.O.D... all because of TotT :)

I think Kreator, Sodom and Destruction's comeback albums (in 2001, 1999 and 2000 respectively) had some input too.
i also think that the 'metal: a headbangers journey' and 'Heavy: the story of metal' might have inspired a good bit of interest. resulting in the '06-'07 blowup. doubtless it was a plethora of factors. i know that when i was first trying to join bands in mid '06 everyone was trying to get me to play in droped C and be like lamb of god and In Flames, along with the metalcore bands, and that made me cling to the thrash even more. so it may have been the whole deal were the media etc. was pushing a really bland veriety of metal and the thrash revival has been a backlash response. i also think emo has more than a little bit to do with it.

but i would really like to know, where are we in the whole progression? if we were to overlay the modern thrash timeline with the origional, what would be our 83? how far back does it go? what was the first NWOTM album ? it 2008 like '85, or 86? if that's the case then the whole thing may be peeking right now and we're about to see the whole thing die. which would totally suck. or will the two timelines be nothing the same?
are who is in the first wave and who is in the second? have we even gotten to the second yet?
it is a wee bit abstract isn't it? here's another one. will the internet make its life longer or sorter? it's my personal opinion that 2008 is our 1985 because this is the year that all of the debut albums came out.
I guess the internet will kinda be like the Bay Area tape trading or whatever in the 80's
In place of demo tapes or recordings of live shows you got sites like myspace and youtube.
Then forums like these.
I guess the internet will kinda be like the Bay Area tape trading or whatever in the 80's
In place of demo tapes or recordings of live shows you got sites like myspace and youtube.
Then forums like these.
Too bad thrashmageddon are being dicks now.
Been registered there for over a year and now I have to pay money to download albums?