NYC kicks so much ass.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Giant Popsicle Melts, Floods New York Park


NEW YORK - An attempt to erect the world's largest Popsicle in a city square ended with a scene straight out of a disaster film — but much stickier.

The 25-foot-tall, 17 1/2-ton treat of frozen Snapple juice melted faster than expected Tuesday, flooding Union Square in downtown Manhattan with kiwi-strawberry-flavored fluid that sent pedestrians scurrying for higher ground.

Firefighters closed off several streets and used hoses to wash away the sugary goo.

Snapple had been trying to promote a new line of frozen treats by setting a record for the world's largest Popsicle, but called off the stunt before it was pulled fully upright by a construction crane. Authorities said they were worried the thing would collapse in the 80-degree, first-day-of-summer heat.

"What was unsettling was that the fluid just kept coming," Stuart Claxton of the Guinness Book of World Records told the Daily News. "It was quite a lot of fluid. On a hot day like this, you have to move fast."

Snapple official Lauren Radcliffe said the company was unlikely to make a second attempt to break the record, set by a 21-foot pop in Holland in 1997.

The giant pop was supposed to have been able to withstand the heat for some time, and organizers weren't sure why it didn't. It had been made in Edison, N.J., and hauled to New York by freezer truck in the morning.
Dude NYC is so much better than LA. Orange County is perfectly okay. Never been to Boston, want to. San Francisco is my favorite major city that I've been to, that plays rules.

I thought I'd hate Texas, but the day or so I spent there was great. Their sky is so god damn bigger than anywhere else.

EDIT: I'm keeping my typos for reasons of prostheticity. :dopey:
I hate driving around in S.F. What the fuck is up with them having parking meters on the corners of the street???! You have to completely go into another lane to make a right turn because some fucking Suv is parked at the corner of the intersection. I also didn't care for the people. Too hippy for my blood.
That's what I love about SF, you can walk a mile and go through an entire hemisphere worth of culture. Mostly in the form of cheap trinkets and ripshit inducing snacks!

EDIT: The people rule but the driving does indeed suck.
:worship: Amoeba

Yeah lots of dogs there. More reason to move up that way, if only 42 sq. ft. apartments weren't $14,862 a month...
lizard said:
even though I was born just outside of Boston I've never lived there long enough to get really familiar with the streets...a bud and I drove down from UNH once and got lost and we turned a corner, and suddenly we were in like a chinatown type buddy goes, "Rick, holy fuck, we're surrounded by half of Mongolia!"

When I go to other cities its just...unatural how organized and weeeiriririddd they are. Like new york. WTF?! The whole things a grid! INSANE!
you guys have it all wrong about NYC ... post Giulliani NYC is like fucking Disneyland.

i love the diversity here, good and bad.
just to dispell some myths about NYC ... taken a few minutes ago outside my window. :loco:
