Ok. You seem upset that Apple didn't give you a $20 discount on the Ipad or whatever.
Sounds like a dream. What do you propose?
You really do not see how a CEO of a company worth $40billion dollars can make or loss the company billions?
Board members and ESPECIALLY shareholders are not involved in day to day. Managers are definitely involved. These top managers are hired and fired by the CEO. Again, it is quite obvious that the CEOs decisions hold a lot of impact. CEOs have run companies into the ground. CEOs have brought companies into great wealth as well. Sometimes a CEO is running a company into the ground, he gets fired and replaced, and the company comes into great success as a result.
You ask if I think low level employees should have better reward structure? Better for whom? Employee or company or general public? You and I may have ideas about what ways a company can get better performance from employee by giving incentives or whatever. However, there are people with their own money and careers at stake, who are in a better position than you and me to decide the pay structures of its employees. If costco decided to go an unusual route, and it is paying off for them, that's great. I have heard of other companies that share ownership and decision equally between all employees. That's great too if it works for them.
My basic point is this: There are people who have a lot more at stake in a company, who are in better positions than you and me to figure out what is best for a company, who are in charge of choosing a CEO and his payscale. These people willingly choose to offer millions to CEOs they think will run their company better. It is along the same lines of an average Joe getting hired for $20/hr because his employer sees in him the ability to earn the company a $50/hr benefit. If the employer thinks that Joe has the ability to earn the company $100million in a year, what do you think they would offer him for his services?
First and foremost, I'm not asking for a discount on anything from Apple. I know they have a great quality product that has awesome appeal to a lot of people myself included. How they go about getting this awesome product is the problem I was talking about. The money that they are making doesn't go to really take care of the workers producing the product they profit off of. You talk about millions being lifted out of poverty because of the job opportunities they have opened up. Not that Apple is guilty, however I will say that the building that all their shit is made in they had to install a net off of the top of the building because workers were committing suicide from it - whoops, but there are THE WORST workman safety standards of any country in the modern world in China.
At minimum, giving them a safe work environment and keep them at least happy enough to not kill themselves would be SOMETHING to do with the extra money they have because it costs them a fraction of the cost of what it used to make the $299.99 iPod or iPhone they sell at the same price point. It's exploitation bro, how do you not see it? Just because it's their and China doesn't give a fuck doesn't mean they HAVE to use it. It's thousands of miles away from their cares on a quarterly basis when they show wall street their record breaking earnings. Many companies are guilty of it. Cycling companies with carbon fiber frames for bikes that not only pollute the lungs of the workers sculpting these bikes they sell for thousands but the industrial run off just goes out into the street for kids to play patty cake in. I'm not saying, sell shit cheaper but fucking do something for the people literally killing themselves over making product you sell.
The CEO thing is dumb. Stupid argument. I provided you with an example that disproves your theory that "they are responsible for so much so they should have an astronomical salary" yet you still talk about what a CEO delivers. Don't thank the new CEO of Apple, Exxon, McDonalds, or whoever the fuck. I get it, being at the top should pay more than everyone else but why does it have to be 1500-2000% more than the dude in middle management or even worse on the front line. The guy installing brake pads on an assembly shouldn't make $500,000 a year at Ford but he could be given solid profit sharing option based off of the effectiveness of his plant and/or team. Scrape a few million from the top level management and distribute it out to the guys and girls exceeding expectations consistently. The top level management probably wouldn't even notice.
Fuck it, how about those top level people just pay the same tax rate as everyone else, problem solved. There are our roads, schools, and a solid step towards creating more jobs or a better health care system.
The hurricane ripped through our area and tore down trees and did damage. A county close to here (James City County) has one of the lowest tax rates in the state however some of the richest people in the area live there. I pay a much higher rate in Newport News but when the trees came down here, they got picked up. These assholes in James City County are complaining that they still have trees down because JCC doesn't have the budget for pick up. Washington is "apparently" releasing funds to get this shit picked up for them. I pay more in taxes, shit gets done. They pay less and have more money, and the government helps them out on the back end. WTF? Just another example of the backwards thinking that digs the hole deeper.