When did this thread go capitalists vs anti capitalists? Oh yeah, when demanding more social services was confused with communism.
Again, to stay on topic, I'll say there are people from all ideologies in this protests.
No country was protesting to implant communism or socialism. It's undeniable politics, politicians, big corporations are still acting the same as before the recession exploded or even worse.
We ask for things to change. Most people don't want to see how their rights are being raped when those who flush us into the toilet keep earning even more than before.
Ok, so those who attack this movement with the typical shit the media throws everyday are saying things are the way they should be and nothing should change as this is the best system we may have?
Let me tell you people that there are many different degrees of democracy and capitalism. There are capitalist countries that have many social services and there are many others that have very few social services. Social services equals not socialism, more democracy is not socialism, public health care is not socialism.
Do we need to distract people from the topic, that is, more democracy, more control over politicians and politics, direct responsabilities the banks and bankers have in the recession?
Is it so dangerous we need to keep threatening with the commies? LOL this looks like the 80's again.
Bipartidism is the real danger here in Spain (and looks in the US too), both parties will do the same once they get to power so we're getting out to the streets from May 15th. We've seen how media manipulate shamelessly, we had countless meetings where people talked about the best system but in the end we have to find our points in common (not commie). Those were exposed briefly before.
Are you telling me the measures taken from 07 are the best or even good? we got nothing to worry about? capitalism is the best so we should let them go with our money as that's the nature of capitalism?
No sir, we, as a movement, don't try to put down democracy to put communism. We're trying this democracy to be more democratic. We, as democratic people, feel the need to stand up and raise our voice.
For ex. in Spain the gov has been dropping the taxes from the rich people since 07. Wow, and this party has the word "socialist" in its name. I'm sure if you do a referendum asking if you want to raise taxes from the richest or from the poorest, pretty sure the results would be the other way round. The common sense way.
The politics have been budget cuts, firings, cuts and firings. Nice but where are the measures to re-activate economy? Where is the public money we gave to the private corps? Where are the cuts and firings on the responsibles, the executives and the politicians? You won't see that.
If our governments are so democratic, they should listen to the people they represent. A shame most people watch tv only so they will keep voting the same no matter what.
So this is the main reason of the protests: showing people that there are many like us and communicate our vision and ideas. Take the streets, share your vision. It will encourage others to inform themselves and act accordingly. Mass media Tv and papers won't do that for you.