NYC Protest

When did this thread go capitalists vs anti capitalists? Oh yeah, when demanding more social services was confused with communism.

Again, to stay on topic, I'll say there are people from all ideologies in this protests.

No country was protesting to implant communism or socialism. It's undeniable politics, politicians, big corporations are still acting the same as before the recession exploded or even worse.

We ask for things to change. Most people don't want to see how their rights are being raped when those who flush us into the toilet keep earning even more than before.

Ok, so those who attack this movement with the typical shit the media throws everyday are saying things are the way they should be and nothing should change as this is the best system we may have?

Let me tell you people that there are many different degrees of democracy and capitalism. There are capitalist countries that have many social services and there are many others that have very few social services. Social services equals not socialism, more democracy is not socialism, public health care is not socialism.

Do we need to distract people from the topic, that is, more democracy, more control over politicians and politics, direct responsabilities the banks and bankers have in the recession?

Is it so dangerous we need to keep threatening with the commies? LOL this looks like the 80's again.

Bipartidism is the real danger here in Spain (and looks in the US too), both parties will do the same once they get to power so we're getting out to the streets from May 15th. We've seen how media manipulate shamelessly, we had countless meetings where people talked about the best system but in the end we have to find our points in common (not commie). Those were exposed briefly before.

Are you telling me the measures taken from 07 are the best or even good? we got nothing to worry about? capitalism is the best so we should let them go with our money as that's the nature of capitalism?

No sir, we, as a movement, don't try to put down democracy to put communism. We're trying this democracy to be more democratic. We, as democratic people, feel the need to stand up and raise our voice.

For ex. in Spain the gov has been dropping the taxes from the rich people since 07. Wow, and this party has the word "socialist" in its name. I'm sure if you do a referendum asking if you want to raise taxes from the richest or from the poorest, pretty sure the results would be the other way round. The common sense way.

The politics have been budget cuts, firings, cuts and firings. Nice but where are the measures to re-activate economy? Where is the public money we gave to the private corps? Where are the cuts and firings on the responsibles, the executives and the politicians? You won't see that.

If our governments are so democratic, they should listen to the people they represent. A shame most people watch tv only so they will keep voting the same no matter what.

So this is the main reason of the protests: showing people that there are many like us and communicate our vision and ideas. Take the streets, share your vision. It will encourage others to inform themselves and act accordingly. Mass media Tv and papers won't do that for you.
I admit to being thoroughly outclassed compared to you guys in knowledge of economics and politics (that doesn't take much though :lol: ), but while I do perhaps think MindMunch is going pretty far with his emotions on this one (and losing your cool + name-calling is always the fastest way to being discredited), I also think he makes some good points, specifically about employment in other countries, specifically East Asia.

IMO it's an incredible cop-out to say "now these people have jobs, so they should be grateful for the companies that employ them", when they're being worked 60+ hours/week, little to no time off/sick days/job security; surely some here have read "The Jungle?" Seems like a very similar (despicable) exploitation scenario, and suggesting that these people can unionize/rally for better working conditions when they're uneducated and scraping by just to feed their families is pretty ridiculous IMO. It's about looking beyond numbers and profits and having some minimal sense of ethics; these people are just as human as us, and are only capable of working so many hours for so long.
Thats what happens when commies that don't even have a courage or common sense to admit that they are commies, run out of arguments...
Wrong. That´s what happens when you say to a latin american that Pinochet government and Milton Friedman did a great job in Chile's economy. You clearly have absolut zero conscience of what this sentence means, and it is at the same league as saying to a jew that Hitler solved the unemployment rate. Learn a bit of history before taking a crap through your mouth.

I do perhaps think MindMunch is going pretty far with his emotions on this one (and losing your cool + name-calling is always the fastest way to being discredited)

If you knew what was Pinochet´s government you would be offended too.
I have been out of town for a few days and I see the entertainment value of this thread has went way down. I can't even mock the thread anymore, it is just to ball gargling gay.

Are there any Sneapsters with any real first hand information about the NYC protests? Like someone going to some of the protests type information? I am looking for the kind of account that is not from a news outlet or the propaganda arm of the protesters.
Maybe we should brainstorm about some realistic ways to change (modify, fix) things...

I think that if these people understood how the democracy works and instead of annoying people by blocking city streets and bridges and shouting out some idiotic demands, hired some PR experts and created a proper political party to gather some real popular following, they could make a real change by entering some representatives and passing new laws in the congress.

And they don't even have to have a majority for that to work, they just need to have enough political power to create a coalition with the next winner party and deal with them to pass at least some of their ideas.
Maybe we should brainstorm about some realistic ways to change (modify, fix) things...

I think that if these people understood how the democracy works and instead of annoying people by blocking city streets and bridges and shouting out some idiotic demands, hired some PR experts and created a proper political party to gather some real popular following, they could make a real change by entering some representatives and passing new laws in the congress.

And they don't even have to have a majority for that to work, they just need to have enough political power to create a coalition with the next winner party and deal with them to pass at least some of their ideas.

The problem is that Wall Street has such a huge influence on what happens in the government, due to the fact that they control the money.
The money comes from regular citizens via their 401ks, IRAs, mutual funds, etc. etc. Wall Street is nothing without Main Street. They've managed to convince us otherwise, but its true.
Don't demonize the government... every political party wants to have high approval ratings, so generally they want people to be happy about living under their rule, thats how democracy works.

In most parts of the world, a huge majority of money and work place offers comes from small to medium businesses.

So the government should make it easier for these enterpreneurs to hire more workers and to spend more time and energy on making the business grow - thats the one and only real cure for the problem we have now.

Big things like less bureaucracy and some tax exemptions and such small things as better care for small children in kindergartens (thats a big topic here in Poland now) and higher road speed limits to allow them more time for work.

They should also do what they can to encourage people to INVEST money in the economy.

The current world crisis like all other, is caused by people losing their optimism, fearing for their money and withdrawing everything to their bank accounts and to safe haven investments like gold for example.

Without money, the economy can't grow.

You know... every bit that helps on every possible front.
This speech is so full of shit that the last time I´ve heard it it was from the mouth of a racist.


You fail to understand what is social fight. You know that women receive an average of 30% less wage than men doing the same job, right? So, following your logic, your answer to that is "these bitches should be pleased that they even have jobs, if they don´t want it this way they should go back to the kitchen."

Women couldn't possibly be any different than men, could they? When you account for things that need be accounted for (years off work, hours worked, marriage, etc.), the difference in wages shrinks to nothing. You wouldn't care about that though.

Ever read the Prison Notebooks? This is hegemony written all over it.

No, but here is some more hegemony for you

Listen, I live in the USA. I experience it. Basically it's pretty damn nice. I come from a lower middle class home in a small oil town in Texas and I'm going to be a millionaire by the time I'm 40. In the mean time, I work part time, own a nice car, rent a nice house, eat awesome food from local small businesses, and feel good doin' it. Isn't it great? :-)

I'm very critical of this country and its policies, but lets be real.
Women couldn't possibly be any different than men, could they? When you account for things that need be accounted for (years off work, hours worked, marriage, etc.), the difference in wages shrinks to nothing. You wouldn't care about that though.

Black people have more lung cancer, diabetes and strokes than white people. I guess that you would pay different wages for them too, right? So much time in hospital...
Black people have more lung cancer, diabetes and strokes than white people. I guess that you would pay different wages for them too, right? So much time in hospital...

Those things have a trivial effect, especially compared to childbirth. So, not really.

Pretend you're a capitalist pig like myself, and you are looking to employ someone.

Person A : Will not be taking any parental leave, very unlikely to quit to raise a child, very unlikely to quit to follow spouse to new city, more likely to put in extra hours at work

Person B : 80% likely to be taking 3 months off work in the near future (perhaps paid), 50% likely to just up and quit to raise a child, very likely quit and follow a spouse should the spouse find work elsewhere, unlikely to put in extra hours at work

Which do you pick?

The gap between men and women shrinks very much when the women is past childbearing years.

When you compare unmarried men to unmarried women, who have been working continuously in the same field, with same education and experience, etc., there is no difference between their pay.

Since your question, as phrased, makes more sense in a health insurance context rather than employment - yes they should be charged according to their risk.
Black people have more lung cancer, diabetes and strokes than white people. I guess that you would pay different wages for them too, right? So much time in hospital...

Right, because lung cancer, diabetes, and strokes are a direct result of being black and have nothing to do with socioeconomic conditions of a typical black person (or person living in similar conditions, regardless of color), right?

If this is seriously what this argument has come to then I humbly request you both quit while MindMunch is making a fool of himself and focus on the fact that the fucking riot police in multiple major cities pulled sneak-attack style arrests on protestors at 2AM this morning.
Right, because lung cancer, diabetes, and strokes are a direct result of being black and have nothing to do with socioeconomic conditions of a typical black person (or person living in similar conditions, regardless of color), right?

Right. It is genetic. Genetics don´t care if you´re Obama or you live under the bridge. Go study a while. We are NOT the same, but we should all have the same rights.
These protests are just liberal arts majors upset that their psychology degrees aren't worth a shit, and fuckers too lazy to actually DO SOMETHING with their lives..expecting the free handout.