It doesn't matter because this is not the topic we're arguing. We're arguing about whether companies are only about profitability.
It is absolutely on topic with the subject.
Less than 1.5% of the total of drugs released are for diseases of poor countries, that hold 80% of the total of sick people. That means that the medical research is driven exclusively by profit, not need. Not health. Not care. Profit.
That's what taxes are for.
That´s what I´ve always said. The government must use the public money (taxes) to solve the public needs (like health), not to bailout reckless banks. If the government isn´t doing its job, that´s the people´s right to protest, which is what this thread is all about.
You take a government that will gladly spend billions on wars to destroy other people, but refuse to pay for cancer treatment for its own people saying that "this is a comunist thing". If the people take the streets to demand it, "they are lazy hippies, go back to work".
They're giving away their money to help a cause. Despite what you think, someone in that corporation gives a shit about that cause and legitimately wants to help. Whether it's the CEO or Peggy working down in accounting or someone in between, there's at least one person who believes in what they're doing.
No. They are only doing it because a boost in the image of the company turns into more profit. How come they don´t break all the patents of their drugs for poor countries, then? Not so much of a pure heart, uh?
I know they make a shitload more money off their tent-pole drugs (heh, boner pill joke) that they spend so much money advertising.
It is not only "cosmetic drugs". Do you remember Tamiflu? The drug that, suddenly, everyone had to take to not die of aviary flu? It was just a few years ago. $100 a dose. Can you imagine how much money these companies made by selling it to the entire world?
So profit is the mother of invention, not necessity? Why would there even be an AIDS drug if we didn't need it?
No. Not necessity. There are AIDS drugs because it´s profitable. It´s a disease that also affects rich people in rich countries. And right now it´s not even a cure, it´s an expensive cocktail of drugs that the sick must take for the rest of his life. If you ask me, the drug companies will rather leave this the way it is now and never find an one-time solution.
How much effort is being made to find a cure for ebola, a disease so gruesome that looks like a curse, but only threatens poor countries?
When did I ever say that? I said they gave a shitload of money/vaccines to charity to help the poor and sick in Africa.
But you say as if it was a substitute for actually solve the problem using public power. "Look how capitalism can solve the problems of the needed". As if we keep on this system, these matters will eventually be solved by private companies. They never will.
Laissez-faire and free market my ass. There´s a quote attributed to Einstein that says "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Adam Smith´s invisible hand is wrong and never worked, and yet we can always see people preaching by it like a dogma.