O/T: All I want for X-Mas is a Browns playoff appearance


I thought that all hope was lost last night when the Steel City boys beat on Tampa's Gay Fuckin'Queers. One time in my life I'm cheering for the pirates in pewter pants and they tank. But anyhow, I open the paper today to see that the Browns have a very realistic chance of making the playoffs! The Browns need to defeat the Falcons in Cleveland. They need the Jets to defeat Green Bay, and they need the Broncos to win their game (which I believe is against Arizona). This is very probable. There are some other scenarios, but this is the easiest and most logical. Knowing how Tim Slouch plays at home though, watch NYJ beat GB, and Denver to win, only to have the Browns lose at home in the season finale.
I hate the Browns. But that is required when you live in Cincinnati. Don't laugh, but I'm a Bengals fan. Mike Brown should die. I hope the Raiders win it all as I would like to see Jerry Rice get another ring. The Bengals have talent but the coaching is the problem.
Football teams that I hate:
Browns, arch rivals
Pittsburg, arch rivals #2
Broncos, it seems they have annoying diehard fans everywhere you go. Why in cincinnati do I got to put up with denver fans? Browns and steelers I can kind of understand but denver?
OK. I don't really think the Browns "deserve" a playoff spot, in that they did not earn it the old fashioned way. That being said, a playoff berth would do huge things for the morale of that city and of that team. Even if we lose, we still finish 8-8, and that means we have progressed each year since we came back. To the Bengals fans: well, you guys know your predicament with the owner you are stuck with. At least you never had your team ripped out from you though. And to the Steelers fans. C'mon. Do you really think they are going to the Super Bowl???? Bill Cowher is a great coach, but until he strings together a real offense, with a real quarterback, he is just Pittsburghs Marty Schottenhiemer.
Cincy Vigilante..

I feel your pain...I'm a Lions season ticket holder.
It's tough to be a fan to such a losing team.
I blame them for drinking so much. :D
At least we got the Red Wings.
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante

Broncos, it seems they have annoying diehard fans everywhere you go. Why in cincinnati do I got to put up with denver fans?

You got that right. I'm SO FUCKING GOD DAMN SICK of hearing about the Denver Donkeys every fucking year for the last 30 years.
I fucking have to hear about them from my friends, family, people I work with. I hope the Donkeys fail to make the playoffs ever.
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
I hate the Browns. But that is required when you live in Cincinnati. Don't laugh, but I'm a Bengals fan. Mike Brown should die.

I hate the Steelers waaaay more than I hate the Browns. Particularly their fans.

Other people I hate....

1) Everyone who drives except me.
2) Anyone who is in line in front of me anywhere.
3) Everyone at the grocery store.
4) Really fat people.
5) Bob Segar.

Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
You got that right. I'm SO FUCKING GOD DAMN SICK of hearing about the Denver Donkeys every fucking year for the last 30 years.
I fucking have to hear about them from my friends, family, people I work with. I hope the Donkeys fail to make the playoffs ever.

I kinda feel the same way about the Buckeyes. EVERYONE in Ohio goes gonzo for the Bucks. But, 90% of these people never went to college, much less OSU. I went to OU myself, why would I cheer for OSU?? I've went to several OSU games with my dad, and had a GREAT time, but I get sick of everything the Bucks do being front page news everywhere in Ohio. If it wasn't for the fact that some of my friends go to or went to OSU, and as I said, I don't hate the team, I hate the coverage and the stupid diehards, but at any rate, I am secretly cheering for Miami to kill OSU. Oh, it will be a great day!!! Of course, OSU fans know very little about the reat of the NCAA, and they are bad sports, so if OSU gets beat, it'll be all about "bad calls," "favoritism," and whatever else.
"And to the Steelers fans. C'mon. Do you really think they are going to the Super Bowl???? Bill Cowher is a great coach, but until he strings together a real offense, with a real quarterback, he is just Pittsburghs Marty Schottenhiemer."

Hey Ty, the Steelers offence was rated 4th in the nfl before the Tampa Bay game and Maddox's passer rating was 120.9 against the leagues supposed best defense.

No offense? No quarterback? The stats say otherwise.
I love the browns,have since the year Brian sipe threw that damn interception into the endzone against the raiders in the playoffs. I will stick with them thru all times and I was so glad when that idiot old owner left for baltimore.

I will admit I have grown into enjoying the buckeyes. My dad and uncle went there and that is all I had to hear but I hate Miami so when I go this friday, I will be singing the osu fight song.