O/T: Austin Powers


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Just saw Goldmember today, and I should warn people not to waste their time or money, and save it for video. Wasn't even close to being as funny as the second one. They seem to think that substituting cameos and lame musicals for jokes is funny, but it wears out very fast, and where I was laughing my ass off in the second movie, I'm barely cracking a smile in this one.

All in all, pretty disappointing, although not quite as much of a letdown as Attack of the Clones.
I have to agree, seeing I didn't get the Preparation H stuff until my girlfriend, who had watched it before I did, told me what it was about. It didn't have the same spark that "The Spy who shagged me" had.
Originally posted by TD
Attack of the Clones a let down! Put down the crack pipe!
Yes, a letdown. When I first saw Attack of the Clones, I thought it rivalled Phantom Menace for worst of the Star Wars movies, but the more I digested it, the more I realized just how inferior Episode II really is. :puke:
Originally posted by nafnikufesin

Yes, a letdown. When I first saw Attack of the Clones, I thought it rivalled Phantom Menace for worst of the Star Wars movies, but the more I digested it, the more I realized just how inferior Episode II really is. :puke:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.............................:lol: :lol: well set around in misery as I and so many others enjoy Ep. II :D
I'm not interested in seeing Gold Member. The previews provide NO hot chicks.
What happened to the HOT sidekick(s)???? That afro-chick does nothing for me.
No hot chicks= no $$

Episode II is fucking sweet. But not as good as Spider-Man.