O/T: Avenged Sevenfold


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Just wondering what you guys think of their new stuff, I haven't bought the new album yet but it is supposed to be much more straight-forward, just one vocal and to the point. I have to admit I really like this song a lot, to me it's straight-forward and focuses on the songwriting, I really dig the singer he sings with power I like that, plus ditching the background vocals means the lead is that more powerful. Anyway I may buy it tomorrow just wonderin' what ya'll think...
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I think so too. Was just listening to "Tonight the world dies" from the last album damn that guy can sing, he wails big time I encourage all here to listen to it. Reminds me of how great John's vocals were...
I never really heard much by them other than Nightmare until the new song. I kind of like it. Kind of on the fence about seeing them in October.
anyone here into 3FingerDeathPunch? aren't they like Avenged Sevenfold? i don't know much about these modern types of Rock, i'm an Oldskoolthrashbasha!
They've definitely went way more straight forward on this record. Kind of like what Metallica did going from Justice to the Black Album.

I've listened to the record a couple of times, and it's grown on me.

For me, their biggest strength has always been the vocals, and that's no different on this record. As for them as a band, or people, I don't care. It's not like I'm going to invite them round for coffee.
Garbage band

You leave them out of this! :mad:

Great fellas! I love hearing reviews good and bad from you guys A7X has kinda been my treadmill music as of late, as many of you I've kinda become a fan of Mr. Shadow's vocals, not a hardcore fan like some but I give respect where it's due. Shit listen from 2:40 on and even more so a minute later, god damn that kid can wail! How can he still talk? LOL anyway I like these guys:headbang:
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