O/T: Bad News for Shield Fans (Sazz, Ron, etc.)


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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Those fucknuts at FX moved Season 3's premiere back to sometime in March.


I guess that's how they'll manage replaying Season 1 and 2 before Season 3 starts. And they can knock off those "coming soon" trailers now, don't you think? I don't consider three months to be "soon".

The reason for this is because they want to wait until after the Golden Globes come out. This plan is gay, considering the only nomination they got was for Michael Chiklis, Best Actor in a Drama Series.

The Shield, for some reason, was not nominated for Best Drama Series. My only problem with that is that Nip/Tuck was nominated, and I don't think that piece of shit should win anything.

I guess they're hoping that Chiklis will win, and a buttload of people will go out and buy the DVDs and be suddenly interested. Or something. Yeah, let's piss off the fans you already have to win over some new ones that may or may not start watching. That's a good idea. :Smug:

I am so pissed right now.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Those fucknuts at FX moved Season 3's premiere back to sometime in March.


I guess that's how they'll manage replaying Season 1 and 2 before Season 3 starts. And they can knock off those "coming soon" trailers now, don't you think? I don't consider three months to be "soon".

The reason for this is because they want to wait until after the Golden Globes come out. This plan is gay, considering the only nomination they got was for Michael Chiklis, Best Actor in a Drama Series.

The Shield, for some reason, was not nominated for Best Drama Series. My only problem with that is that Nip/Tuck was nominated, and I don't think that piece of shit should win anything.

I guess they're hoping that Chiklis will win, and a buttload of people will go out and buy the DVDs and be suddenly interested. Or something. Yeah, let's piss off the fans you already have to win over some new ones that may or may not start watching. That's a good idea. :Smug:

I am so pissed right now.
now i know why i dont watch those awards. Nip/Tuck,ive seen the commercials but by seeing them they dont even hold a candle to The Shield. i agree Brat that this is very GAY but since its coming out in March(my B-Day) it will be a great gift but Jan had me excited to watch TV again
Sazz, I don't know if you caught this or not, since it's gone to the second page a couple of times, but check this thread: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=123692 I finally found the info I was talking about.

I watched a lot of Nip/Tuck, mostly because there was nothing else on. It's not worth it. It's about 2 plastic surgeons. One is a sex addict who literally can't keep it in his pants (he fucks patients, co-workers, anything that breathes and doesn't have a penis).

The other one is a family man whose marriage is falling apart. His son decides to circumsize himself because his girlfriend might not like it the way it is, and then it turns out she's a lesbian, but then they flushed that plot down the toilet with the rest of it.

Most of the show is this guy fighting with his wife and then making up. Then they hinted that the sex addict doctor (who even starts going to Sexaholics Anonymous) is actually the son's father because she had sex with him back in the day.

It's a giant soap opera filled with bloody surgery scenes and crazy patients. I only watched what I did because of Julian McMahon (the sex addict) because I totally drooled over him in Profiler, but I was more than a little disappointed in this one. I put up with Charmed for him, but Nip/Tuck is just too much.

Here's the "best" part: Nip/Tuck's second season was signed on for 15 episodes. The Shield only gets 13!!!!!!!!! WTF??? Although the board I go to (theshieldfans.com) has plenty of rumors about the Shield adding another two to keep it even. Whatever. I think Nip/Tuck should get about 3 more to finish up their ongoing plots and then get buried, but of course that won't happen.