O/T: Okay, Shield Fans, Help Me Out Here...


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
Visit site
Check out this pic:


Is that Ronnie? Please tell me they found a new actor or something because that is just horrible. He was adorable before, what's this shit? I know, I know, his face got burned, but still.

Anyway, here's a link for some pictures of the promo, actual screen caps, not those gay "money face" shots with people babbling in the background.


There's a link for the promo itself, but I won't post it because it's only audio. I'm sure I'll see it myself while watching the rerun tonight (finally made it to season 2, there must be a marathon on the way, five weeks to show 12 episodes).

I also found out that Shawn Ryan is blaming the delay in the premiere not on the Golden Globes (convenient since Chiklis didn't win) but on the fact that FX was so thrilled with the episodes he delivered that they asked for two more, and it ran into production issues so they held off. None of that changes the fact that I still have to wait five more fucking weeks. But at least we get two extra weeks at the end, the total being 15.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Check out this pic:


Is that Ronnie? Please tell me they found a new actor or something because that is just horrible. He was adorable before, what's this shit? I know, I know, his face got burned, but still.

That would be a gun with the text:

No linking.
You oughta
Be shot.

Kind of harsh from a website that appears to be taking images from copywritten materials. Not that I care. I'm just saying...
Not a shield fan, never saw it but I'm sure its a good show. But I just wanted to let all the shield fans that there is a comic book, yes a comic book out based on the Shield tv show. I flipped through it and the art was pretty good. Don't know about the story because I didn't read it. So go to your local comic book store and check it out if ya want.
Thanks, Ragamuffin. Those bastards. I've posted their banners before, and she got it from a TV commercial. So Justin's right on.

Cincy-I've heard about it but never seen it. I don't know about the story either, but if I see it, I'll pick it up.