O/T Bringing back the Wooly Mamouth

remington69 said:
I think that by allowing federal funding of stem cell research, we can understand things about the cell that would not be possible before. You have to think of it as baby steps. That's what most science research is. Sure, you hear the news talk about this new cancer drug that was developed. But, what they don't say is "This drug was based on 15 years of basic science research done by over 50 labs throughout the world." The same will go for stem cell research. Yes, eventually, we may be able to replace pancreatic cells that don't respond to insulin in diabetics. More importantly, though, is that we will understand what exactly is going on with the cellular pathway that causes it.

In my last lab, we published a paper about how BRCA1 (the "breast cancer gene") is involved in one step of DNA repair. It's a small step and not as ground shaking as curing cancer. However, based on that small step, researchers can eventually develop a drug that would specifically target that process after a BRCA1 mutation and possibly give life to percentage of breast cancer sufferers.

So, yes, embryonic stem cell research should be federally funded.
Thank you for this inscisive, well worded response. However, you are WAY to smart to be responding to a guy like me!!! I'm barely smart enough to remember to breathe, and people like you know how to do..you know...science stuff!:goggly:
Crabmeat said:
I would be in favour of cross breeding a mammoth with Celine.
I would be willing to bet she'd be releaved after having to fuck that old creepy dude since she was like 14.
eighteeschick said:
That was on the same level of horrible groaners my father has told me my entire life. :lol:
Your father sounds like a wise man! Has he ever told you to pull his finger?:lol:
eighteeschick said:
No, but the guy used to play "let's see who can hit the softest" and guess who always won (although I really lost). :lol:
That's a game you NEVER want to win!:lol:
my dad asked "did you get your hurts doughnut today ?" and i'd say no what's that. then he'd punch me in the arm and say " hurts don't it"
karrokid said:
my dad asked "did you get your hurts doughnut today ?" and i'd say no what's that. then he'd punch me in the arm and say " hurts don't it"

i'm going to have to try that out on my step-kids tomorrow. Thanks. :lol: Ok, I couldn't wait until the morning and since he is up, i just did it to him. He was like the hell was that all about? I said blame the Anthrax messageboard.