O/T Bringing back the Wooly Mamouth

Hey, we bring back the woolly mammoth, let them go extinct again, wait a few million years, and presto! More oil to extract. That, and imagine how much weight a mammoth could haul. No gas needed, just attach a couple of train cars to their ass and danlge a couple of peanuts in front of them. So really, they are working on alternative fuel sources.
nafnikufesin said:
Hey, we bring back the woolly mammoth, let them go extinct again, wait a few million years, and presto! More oil to extract. That, and imagine how much weight a mammoth could haul. No gas needed, just attach a couple of train cars to their ass and danlge a couple of peanuts in front of them. So really, they are working on alternative fuel sources.

Well you've sold it to me. :lol:
nafnikufesin said:
Hey, we bring back the woolly mammoth, let them go extinct again, wait a few million years, and presto! More oil to extract. That, and imagine how much weight a mammoth could haul. No gas needed, just attach a couple of train cars to their ass and danlge a couple of peanuts in front of them. So really, they are working on alternative fuel sources.

Maybe the Japanese are on to something after all. :lol:
I'm excited about the possibilities for other extinct animals. Especially ones that humans have driven to extinction.

However, I think they have a snowball's chance in hell in actually getting this to work. DNA degradation would be a large hurdle to overcome. I have problems with it just from freeze-thawing my samples from -20C. I can't imagine the state of the DNA from being frozen in just ice.

It's nice that Japan had enough money to fund this, though. Here in the US, science funding is so bad that only 8% of grant proposals are getting funded. If it weren't for a grant from the DOD, my department would be seriously fucked right now. And that's not even guaranteed $$ after next year.
Is there anything I can do to help the stupid humans become extinct? Guess that makes me a race traitor but I never liked you hairless apes anyways.
nafnikufesin said:
Hey, we bring back the woolly mammoth, let them go extinct again, wait a few million years, and presto! More oil to extract. That, and imagine how much weight a mammoth could haul. No gas needed, just attach a couple of train cars to their ass and danlge a couple of peanuts in front of them. So really, they are working on alternative fuel sources.

"Yeah, sure, at firts it's all "oooh!" and "ahhh!" but then there's all the, the running and the, the screaming"

- Jeff Goldblum
Oh sure, we get the wooly mammoth, but they won't allow stem cell research. I guess wolly mammoths are more inportant than humans. Hey remington69...as a scientist, what is your stance on stem cell research? Do you believe it could cure diseases?
MikeyBong said:
Oh sure, we get the wooly mammoth, but they won't allow stem cell research. I guess wolly mammoths are more inportant than humans. Hey remington69...as a scientist, what is your stance on stem cell research? Do you believe it could cure diseases?

The Wooly Mammoth is in Japan though, not the U.S.
DumbAss said:
..or for once, do something about Celine Dion.

I would be in favour of cross breeding a mammoth with Celine.

It's a shame the only way to do it would be through artificial insemination, however.

Now if we could dig up a live, frisky mammoth, that would get the job done. (and at the same time, give those nearby a chance to hear Ms. Dion's full vocal range).
MikeyBong said:
Oh sure, we get the wooly mammoth, but they won't allow stem cell research. I guess wolly mammoths are more inportant than humans. Hey remington69...as a scientist, what is your stance on stem cell research? Do you believe it could cure diseases?

I think that by allowing federal funding of stem cell research, we can understand things about the cell that would not be possible before. You have to think of it as baby steps. That's what most science research is. Sure, you hear the news talk about this new cancer drug that was developed. But, what they don't say is "This drug was based on 15 years of basic science research done by over 50 labs throughout the world." The same will go for stem cell research. Yes, eventually, we may be able to replace pancreatic cells that don't respond to insulin in diabetics. More importantly, though, is that we will understand what exactly is going on with the cellular pathway that causes it.

In my last lab, we published a paper about how BRCA1 (the "breast cancer gene") is involved in one step of DNA repair. It's a small step and not as ground shaking as curing cancer. However, based on that small step, researchers can eventually develop a drug that would specifically target that process after a BRCA1 mutation and possibly give life to percentage of breast cancer sufferers.

So, yes, embryonic stem cell research should be federally funded.
Meh. Mammoth's are boring, just a hairy elephant. They should bring back a saber-tooth or some of the cooler ice age animals. Better yet, work on a cure for cancer like others have stated. I'm sure there's no time for curing cancer though, the next big erectile disfunction drug is just around the corner and that's what humanity needs more then anything :rolleyes: