O/T: Can CNN Lead Impeachment Proceedings?


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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Cause they sure are making a big deal about President Bush swearing. As if there's nothing else to report or overexxagerate, or make fancy graphics about.

Whether or not you like Bush (the President, that is) or what's going on in the Middle East, to ever consider the fact that our president doesn't say "the brown word" (among many, many other swear words) is just stupid. I mean, he's from Texas, right?

My husband had CNN on all day yesterday, and I can't tell you how many times they cut in on other reports to show the tape of Bush and Blair. But since I didn't hear about it from anywhere other than CNN, I'm thinking it's just CNN over-reporting again.
Yeah, it is really pointless. Our president used a swear word!! :OMG: I don't care for him at all but to focus so much coverage on a swear word is just beyond retarded. We have much bigger things to worry about.
It was on other stations. I watched the 11:00 news on CBS and it was on there. I also read about it on MSN. I don't know if the focus is so much on the swear word or what he was swearing about. Whatever the reason, I don't really care myself either.
The only big deal here is that he panders to Christian Fascists in this country. So, swearing makes it look like he doesn't love baby Jesus enough.
I would bet that if you asked an older generation, though, they may think its a big deal. To us, cursing, swearing, whatever, is practically second nature. At least it is to me. If you don't curse, then something isn't right. lol!
over here, the uk press seem far more amused by the fact that bush address's the pm, as "yo blair !".........i guess its better than 'hey bitch!' like most of us thought it was
I doubt swearing is the issue as much as he was having a conversation with an open mic on. You gotta imagine what kind of info that guy is privy to and could have spilled.

As far as swearing goes, who gives a shit.
mrthrax said:
i thought it was funny,he only being truthful

That's exactly my point. He was being honest, whether or not he was wrong about what he was talking about (and I don't think he was) and it has to suck to have to be so careful about who's listening and when. I know it's part of the job, but it has to get old.
poor thing. Yeah and Brat I totally agree he said shit. Yeah I'm going to write my Senator and Congresswoman, say impeach his ass NOT!!!
What's wrong with saying shit? I say shit. Most other people say shit. If the president wants to say shit, then i think he should say shit! Who the shit is with me?......SHIT!:lol: