O/T Death Magnetic


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I could not resist the temptation, downloaded the fucking thing, didn't like it at the first listen, started growing on me on the second listen and I actually like it more and more with every listen. Sounds to me like Justice after twenty years. Much better than the shitty predecessor. Has anyone of you heard it already?
I saw the video for "The Day That Never Comes". It was good to hear some lead guitar work again. The song is pretty good too.
It's the best thing they have done in a long time, that's for sure. It's still not great though. It's too long and I don't really like the guitar sound on the album.
The songs are light years ahead of st anger but I agree I dont like the guitar tone, its too weak in my opinion and dont like the drums
give Lars a kazoo. he still sounds like he's trying to beat his way out of an oil drum.
At first listen, I am encouraged by it. You can actually hear Rob's bass, Lars re-discovered the double bass and Kirk stopped polluting every song with his wah-wah pedal. On the other hand, the guitar tone is kinda strange during the rythms. It is like they tried to get the muddy, full tone of Kyuss and failed. Then, during the leads, the production quality of the guitars seems very 'bright' and modern. -Strange. Lars still hasn't been able to find a use for his ride cymbal and his snare is way too prominent in the mix.
"The Day That Never Comes" is a weak reprise of "One". Repackaging a song you already recorded is something only Meatloaf should be allowed to do.
I'm having a tough time liking anything about Metallica since seeing "Some Kind Of Monster". James/Lars should just hit each other in the seat and get it over with.
Got it the other day. They released it 2 days early. It rocks, hard. If you've downloaded it and thought it sounded a bit rough, the CD dosen't sound like that. The production on this one is ace. Although Lars is still too fucking loud in the mix. There were times when the drums seemd to burry the vocals a bit. Kirk really let loose on this one. All that pent up aggression from not being allowed to solo on St. Anger. He really shred's on All Nightmare Long and The Judas Kiss.
I think Lars did a good job of adding his own unique style to the album, I think he pounded and nailed the thing. Overall this is a pretty good comeback record for Metallica, I sat and listened to the whole thing and its riff infested Hetfield madness.
I think it sucks. The solos are awful and amateurish, the drums are loud and all over the place, the guitar tone is godawful and I don't care for James' current singing style.

Production is bad on it. There are parts where the drums just overpower everything else and other parts where the guitars are bleeding into each other. For a band that big, they should pay a little attention to production.
I think it sucks. The solos are awful and amateurish, the drums are loud and all over the place, the guitar tone is godawful and I don't care for James' current singing style.

Production is bad on it. There are parts where the drums just overpower everything else and other parts where the guitars are bleeding into each other. For a band that big, they should pay a little attention to production.

Why did you waste your money then?
Got it the other day. They released it 2 days early. It rocks, hard. If you've downloaded it and thought it sounded a bit rough, the CD dosen't sound like that. The production on this one is ace. Although Lars is still too fucking loud in the mix. There were times when the drums seemd to burry the vocals a bit. Kirk really let loose on this one. All that pent up aggression from not being allowed to solo on St. Anger. He really shred's on All Nightmare Long and The Judas Kiss.

I`m gonna buy the CD anyway so I`ll tell you later about the difference in sound. Agree with the rest.
Theres a copy floating around that was remixed by an engineer that got ahold of the tracks sent to the company that makes guitar hero--these tracks were not yet mastered so from what I have read he was able to eliminate alot of the compression and clipping. He also edited down alot of the songs--removed, what he felt were redundant sections
Theres a copy floating around that was remixed by an engineer that got ahold of the tracks sent to the company that makes guitar hero--these tracks were not yet mastered so from what I have read he was able to eliminate alot of the compression and clipping. He also edited down alot of the songs--removed, what he felt were redundant sections

the guy should be dunked in a crapool.
I can't listen it to on headphones. The compression and clipping is insufferable. Why master the cd sooo damn loud? It really sounds terrible on close listen.