Johnny Ace

Assistant John Kalodner
Feb 8, 2002
22 Acacia Ave. Parts Unknown
Saw them at The World (formerly WWF New York) last night... unfucking real. Great show. Phil has some pipes... lots of strength. He gave 110% even with a bad back. The place was moving hard. They also went nuts when they noticed Charlie in the crowd and Phil gave him a shout out. GO SEE THIS BAND!!! As Tenacious D once said...THEY WILL ROCK YOUR FUCKING SOCKS OFF!!!
I'm going to the show this Sunday at the Odeon in Cleveland, OH. Cleveland is a good rock town so I'm sure the crowd will be slammin'. I'm going to chow down at Alice Cooperstown Restaurant before the show, so the whole evening has a real hard rock vibe to it.
Well the Tydiggitydaddyaliveworldwidereunionfarewellsummerconcerttourofamerica02 hit The Odeon Concert Club in Cleveland last night (after "fine" dining at Alice Coopers'Town - that is a fun ass little joint, with a working KISS 1978 Bally Pinball, unlike mine, which hasn't worked right in years) SJR: Here it is in a nutshell: Very short show, like an 70minutes. Most of the songs from the disc. Phil is loaded up and even more fucked up than he was on the Down tour (plus, he doesn't look like he has changed clothes since the Down tour) Very intimate, because unlike Down this tour doesn't seem to be selling out these venues, maybe 400 people were there last night, you could walk right up to the stage. It was like Phil in your living room. All in all, it kicked superass. I wanted to buy a shirt, but I now know I am old. All the shirts had the pentagram and pot leaf on them, I just wanted the name Superjoint Ritual. I was looking at the potagram shirt, thinking, "I ain't buying that." I mean, when I was in high school maybe, but where in the hell am I going to where a shirt with both a pentagram and a pot leaf??????:confused: That shirt is sure to attract some nice ladies on Friday night, I'm also sure it'll look good at work, and of course at church *sarcasm shirt turned off* That is my story. Over and out.:lol: